Articoli letteratura inglese
JOHN MILTON - Paradise Lost
JOHN MILTON John Milton was born in London in 1608 into an educated family. He studied at St. Paul’s school and later at Christ’s college, in Cambridge, where he wrote in Latin, Italian, English and Greek. He was fascinated by Italian c[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Dreams - Green sleeves
Dreams The poem is made up of eight lines, which are grouped in two stanzas each of four lines of different length and all begin with capital letter. The pattern of end rhymes in each stanza is the same: the second and the fourth line rhyme,[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
ROBERT BROWNING Robert Browning is the great exponent to the Victorian poetry and he was deeply interested in the working of the human mind. He is particularly associated with the dramatic monologue. The dramatic monologue has some characte[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Comment of the “Ode to the West Wind”,Shelley
Comment of the “Ode to the West Wind”,Shelley The poem first appeared in 1820,written by Shelley,one of the most important english poets,in a wood near Florence.It composed of 14 lines and is divided into five stanzas. In each stanza he de[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
April sweet showers
April sweet showers Quando in aprile il dolce bagna la caduta che fora la siccità di marzo alla radice e a tutto e ha bagnato ogni vena in liquore che ha la potenza da generare in ciò e in sire il fiore; Quando lo zefiro ha[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Poet, translator, editor. -Pastorals -An essay on criticism -Transaltion of Homer’s Iliad -re-edition of Shakespeare -Rape of the Lock - The Dunciad The cutting edge: sperimentatore dell’arte[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
THE BALLADS Most writers on the form distinguish three kinds of ballad: traditional, literary and popular ballad. The traditional ballad is a song, transmitted orally, commenting on life by telling a story in popular style. The story is told i[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
G.B.SHAW (1856-1950)SUMMERY
G.B.SHAW (1856-1950)SUMMERY He was born in 1856 in Dublin from a not very well family of English protestant origins. He possessed a PURITAN mentality and an irreverent Irish way of being. His father was a[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
JOHN DONNE LANGUAGE: Was different from Elizabethan period: unconventional colloquial direct to shock the reader TONE  [ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
The play within the play
The play within the play In Hamlet the protagonist uses the representation of a tragedy called Murder of Gonzago and its primary function is to trap Claudius into revealing his guilt. This is why he also refers to the play as "[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
2° MODULO Nel 1956 si ha l’inizio di un nuovo cammino, in cui vengono gettate le fondamenta culturali di un processo di trasformazione che rese famosa Londra nel decennio successivo. La città viene denominata “Survinging London” e diventa i[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
William Blake - William Wordsworth - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
William Blake · Vision and imagination: he was called the visionary poet, he stressed the importance of imagination as an instrument of knowledge. · Philoso[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
The 12th night is formed by 2 stories that are mixed together. The main story talks about Viola and her twin Sebastian who had disappointed. Viola went to Illyria, she “transformed” herself (she wore male clothes) and became Cesario in order to wo[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
I RITRATTI PROFETICI di Nathaniel Hawthorne (in Racconti raccontati due volte)
I RITRATTI PROFETICI di Nathaniel Hawthorne (in Racconti raccontati due volte) Walter Ludlow parla a Elinor (sua futura sposa) di un pittore (non soltanto eccelle nella sua arte, ma possiede anche vaste conoscenze in tutti gli altri camp[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
ROBERTO BROWNING ( Camberwell ,1812- Venezia ,1889) - PERIODO : VITTORIANO
ROBERTO BROWNING ( Camberwell ,1812- Venezia ,1889) PERIODO : VITTORIANO Siamo nel periodo vittoriano. Questo periodo è privo di grandi guerre ma non di ineguaglianza e crudeltà[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
“Poetry has to speak clearly in order to be understood by everyone”, Praz. “The Victorian age is a sort of domesticated romanticism”, Nemoianu. Nemoianu scrive “The taming of romanticism”, parla di un periodo in cui si ha uno sminuire degli[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
3° MODULO Alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la GB, seppur vincitrice, è un paese in ginocchio dal punto di vista economico con una capitale semi-distrutta (la cittadina di Coventry era stata completamente rasa al suolo, da cui il ve[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
RESTORATION DRAMA During the Restoration in literature imagination was slowly replaced by reason and Elizabethan drama’s passion and stravagance gave way to self-control and balance. So writers began to look for new models to follow à class[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON He was born in Edinburgh and he studied law. When he was a child he had suffered from ill health, nevertheless he took up a life of adventure and travelling. His famous story is ‘Treasure Island’, after that he return[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
William Blake - Life (1757-1827) - Main works
William Blake Life (1757-1827) William Blake was born in London in 1757. He is the first poet who announces the poetic revolution that takes place towards the end of the 18th century. He is a new and original voice in English[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
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