Articoli letteratura inglese
ANTONIO E CLEOPATRA – William Shakespeare
ANTONIO E CLEOPATRA – William Shakespeare 1- Shakespeare scrisse quest’opera tra il 1603 e il 1608 2 – FABULA I ATTO Antonio è costretto a partire da Alessandria per andare a Roma lasciando Cleopatra in Egitto. Infatti sua[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
GLOBALIZATION When coming to use the term “globalization” we usally refer to a complex economic phenomenon for wich the world as a whole isshould be could be an unic market, in which there is a exchange of goods-meant as financial estates, r[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
OSCAR WILDE He was born in Dublin in 1854 and during his studies he excelled in Classics. He was very wit and afeter he moved to London, he made a lecture tour to the United States, where he met Constance and got married with her. Wilde w[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
LETTERATURA INGLESE LA RIVOLUZIONE PURITANA E LA RESTAURAZIONE MONARCHICA UNA DINASTIA CONTRO IL PARLAMENTO Con la salita al trono di Carlo I, ebbe inizio uno dei periodi più turbolenti della storia. Lo scontro tra il re e il parl[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
David Herbert Lawrence
David Herbert Lawrence Lawrence was born in 1885 in Nottinghamshire. Lawrence’s family was poor (his father was an illiterate coal miner) so, at the age of fifteen, he was forced to work. He was really close to his mother (belonging to m[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
ANGLO-SAXONS (pag.49) In the end of the 4th century Rome was attacked by the barbarian tribes. So they called back all the legions from Britain. Britain remained defenceless and was attacked by the Picts from Caledonia and the Scots from Irelan[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
Oscar Wilde, la vita e le opere
Oscar Wilde, la vita e le opere 1854 – Oscar Wilde nasce a Dublino il 16 Ottobre da William, eminente oculista, e Jane Francesca Elgee, nota per i suoi libri, nei quali raccolse antiche tradizioni della sua terra e accesa sostenitrice dell[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
Salman Rushdie - Midnight’s Children
Salman Rushdie The novelist is probably best known around the world as the protagonist of a bad episode called the Rushdie Affair. His fourth novel “The Satanic Verses” didn’t have the ending expected effect. Published on September 1988 in Lon[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw
Titolo: Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw Bibliografia: · J. I. M. STEWART, The Oxford History of English Literature, Writers of the E[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
THOMAS HARDY He was born in the Dorset – a country in the south-west of England. In 1862 – for five years- he moved to London to work as an architect. When he returned to Dorset he married and started his career as a novelist; his most impo[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
William Wordsworth: COMPOSED UPON WESTMINSTER BRIDGE Wordsworth composed this sonnet on the roof of the coach on his way to France to visit Annette Vallon. In this lines the poet describe the beauty of London on early morning. For the poe[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lady Chatterley’s Lover Protagonisti Scena Argomento Cap. I Clifford,Connie (Hilda, giovani gagliardi, Emma, Herbert, Sir Geoffrey) Midlands:Wrab[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
INVADERS-FIRST PEOPLES IN BRITAIN (pag. 48) The first people living in Britain were the Iberians. They came from Spain and were dark and short. They lived in a very simple way. They were conquered by the Celts. They were organized in villages a[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
James Joyce (1882-1942) - Life, Works
James Joyce (1882-1942) Life § He was born in Ireland into a middle-class family. § Influences in his childhoodà Jesuits (for th[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
Jonathan Swift(complex,passionete individual;write for correct causes)
Jonathan Swift(complex,passionete individual;write for correct causes) Swift was born in Dublin of English parents. His father died before he was born and he was maintained by a rich he was educated at Trinity College(in Dublin; he was an inte[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
OLIVER TWIST - By Cherles Dickens
OLIVER TWIST By Cherles Dickens AUTHOR: Charles Dickens TITLE: Oliver Twist TOPIC: Oliver Twist THEMES: -the starvation suffered by children -the ill-treatment suffered[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) - Life, Works
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) Life § Familyà humble origin (“Little better than peasants”), son of a builder, later he pretended to came from an important family. § &nbs[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
THE NORMANS (pag.52)
THE NORMANS (pag.52) When William ascended the throne, he was obliged to set the country in order to have Norman men controlling the conquered Anglo-Saxons. He divided the land into parts and gave it to his barons in change of tributes and milit[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
WILLIAM BLAKE Blake nasce nel 1757 e muore nel 1827. E’ pre-romantico. Il settecento è il secolo dell’Illuminismo,un secolo equilibrato e raziocinio. Adesso c’ è un ritorno al passato e quasi si desidera un ritorno al Medioevo adesso[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud - Poesia
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Poesia I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, o’er vales = over val leys When all at once I saw a crowd, A host , of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath[ Leggere ]..Dati | | |
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