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letteratura inglese


The first people living in Britain were the Iberians. They came from Spain and were dark and short. They lived in a very simple way. They were conquered by the Celts. They were organized in villages and every village had a head and a druid. Th 757f59h e druid was the priest and was a very important person. Their religion was pagan and they made human sacrifices. The famous Stonehenge, a group of huge stones put in a circular way with a great stone in the middle, is a Celtic monument. The Celts came from the North of Europe. They divided in two groups; a group went to Britain, the other one went to Gale. In 55 B.C Julius Caesar made the first expedition in Great Britain because he wanted to know this isle and because he wanted to punish the Celts for the help given to the Gales. He wasn't ready to attack the Celts in a proper way; so he went back to Rome without colonising the isle and imposing only some taxes to pay to Rome. The real roman conquest took place in 43 A.D and the Romans were able to subdue the Celts. The Romans colonized the isle and organized them from a social, legislative, military point of view. They built roads, towns, in fact all the towns built by the Romans had their names with the ending "chester" that, means castra; even Londinium was founded by the Romans. The Romans built also baths, amphitheatres and schools. The Celts who did not accept the Roman rule went to live in Caledonia (Scotland) and were called the Picts, others went to live in Wales and others in Ireland. In 121 A.D the Emperor Adrian made a wall built between Roman Britain and Caledonia. As regards religion, the Romans and the Romano-Britons worshipped gods and goddesses and Celts followed their religion. There was also the starting of Christian evangelisation.


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