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Articoli letteratura inglese


CRITICAL NOTES ABOUT MILTON Milton, one of the best writer of his period, lives the turbulence of his era being involved in the English Civil War, supporting Cromwell and devoting his entire work to the cause of Puritans. His masterpiece,
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WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770-1840) - Life, Features, Themes

WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770-1840) Life ·         Family: his mother died when he was 8, his father died when he was 13. He had 3 brothers and 1 sister, Dorothy (his closest friend). ·  &nb
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William Wordsworth - Life (1770-1850) - The importance of the senses

William Wordsworth Life (1770-1850) He is considered the greatest poet of nature. He was born in the English lake district, the beautiful region near the Scottish border where he spent his childhood and most of his adult life and
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IL TEATRO DALLE ORIGINI AL ‘500 -         In Gran Bretagna il dramma liturgico nasce nelle chiese verso il X secolo. -         Mystery plays dal ‘200 al ‘400
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LISPETH Lispeth is a Indian girl, whose parents turned Christian and baptised her after the bears destroyed their harvest. When they died of Cholera, Lispeth stayed at Christian mission. She grew into a beautiful girl. In her habits Lisp
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William Wordsworth: DAFFODILS

William Wordsworth : DAFFODILS This poem, written by William Wordsworts in 1804 records the experience of a walk, when the poet is with his sister Dorothy. While he walk, he saw daffodils. FIRST STANZA The poem opens w
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Gulliver s Travels - Jonathan Swift

TITLE:  “ Gulliver’s Travels ” AUTHOR: Jonathan Swift INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The author of  “Gulliver’s Travels” is Jonathan Swift, who was born in Dublin on 30 November 1667. He studied there at the Trinity College but
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STEVENSON VITA e OPERE Nasce nel 1850 a Edimburgo, Scozia. Padre ingegnere e madre figlia di un pastore presbiteriano, vive in un ambiente colto e agiato. A otto anni ha un’ infezione ai polmoni ed è costretto a stare molto tempo in s
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The Black Cat - E. A. Poe

The Black Cat E. A. Poe The narrator is going to tell us about a series of mere household events which have terrified, have destroyed him. Tomorrow he dies and today he would unburthen his soul. Hereafter, some intellect may be found.
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ANGRY YOUNG MAN As in poetry, in post-war years there are no grat schools, but the individualism dominant. The 1950s were characterized by neo-realism against the Modernism that led to social protest and its young writers were deeply dissatisfi
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MARY SHELLEY – VITA E OPERE “History of a six week tour trough a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland, with letters  descriptive of  tour round the Lake of Geneva and of the Galcies of Chamouni” 1817 “Rambles” In Germa
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THE ANIMAL FARM SUMMARY OF THE PLOT The animals of the Manor farm live in cruel condition of exploitation under the sway of Mr. Jones, a bad and always drunken man. One day the Old Major, an old pig, convened a meeting of all the animals
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The Irish Question

The Irish Question Some  authors had write about the violent history of Ireland. Ireland was a country divided in two parts, the Northern Part was catholic and against England and the Southern part was Protestant and wanted that England co
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England, England by Julian Barnes.

England, England by Julian Barnes. The novel was published in 1998 and the author continues speaking about themes that he has already developed in others his novels. Typical of his narrative style is the connection among Reality, History an
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Walter Scott and the historical novel

Walter Scott and the historical novel In a period, called by historians "Age of Revolutions", in which the middle class was achieving more power and people had many rights, there was a writer who represented, and exprimed, thought
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William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770 – April 23, 1850) was a major English poet who with Samuel Taylor Coleridge launched the Romantic Age in English literature with the 1798 publication of Lyrical Ballads. His masterpiece is ge
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THE AUGUSTAN AGE The eighteenth century was the age of reason, the age of the “ENLIGHTEMENT”. It was an age that rejected imagination and romanticism: it was the triumph of reason,order and rationality. The middle class was risin
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“London” London is one of the most powerful description of the industrial towns to be found in literature. It’s one of Blake’s greatest poems, this poem shows the suffering brought by the industrial revolution and it belongs to the “Songs
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HEARTS IN ATLANTIS BY S.KING      Stephen King s collection of five stories about 60s kids reads like a novel. The best is "Low Men in Yellow Coats," about Bobby Garfield of Harwich, Connecticut, who craves a Schwinn for h
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ROMANZO REALISTA INGLESE fine ‘600-inizio ‘800

→ ROMANZO REALISTA INGLESE fine ‘600-inizio ‘800 Riflette la realtà della società attraverso l’analisi di individui che rappresentano figure emblematiche della propria epoca e classe sociale. ·       
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