William Wordsworth
is considered the greatest poet of nature. He was born in the English lake
district, the beautiful region near the Scottish border where he spent his
childhood and most of his adult life and which became his main source of
inspiration. He was educated in
Man and the natural world
Wordsworth is interested in the relationship between man and the natural world, the contact between man and nature seen not as an objective and precise observation of natural phenomena but as emotions and sensations which arise from this contact. In fact he thinks that man and nature are inseparable: man exists not outside the natural world but as an active participant in it. Nature comforts man in sorrow, it's a source of pleasure and joy, it teaches men to love, it's the spirit of the universe.
The importance of the senses
means also the world of sense
perceptions. Wordsworth, for example, speaks about the sensibility of the eyes and the ear through which he could
perceive both the beauty of nature and the sounds of the winds or the
water or the silence. Wordsworth, together with Coleridge, went to
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Vagavo solitario come una nuvola
Che fluttua in alto sopra valli e colline,
Quando tutto ad un tratto vidi una folla,
Una moltitudine di giunchiglie dorate:
Accanto al lago, sotto gli alberi,
Ondeggianti e danzanti nella brezza.
Continue come le stelle che splendono
E scintillano sulla via lattea,
si estendono senza fine
Lungo il margine della baia:
ne vidi cento ad un'occhiata,
che scuotevano le loro teste in un'allegra danza.
Le onde accanto a loro danzavano, ma loro
Superavano le onde spumeggianti con gioia;
Un poeta non puņ mai essere lieto,
In una specie di gioconda compagnia;
Guardavo -e fissavo- ma una piccola riflessione
Quali ricchezze mi ha portato questa vista.
Spesso, quando giaccio sul mio divano
In un ozioso e pensoso stato d'animo,
Essi appaiono a quegli occhi interiori
Che č la beatitudine della solitudine;
E poi il mio cuore si riempie di piacere,
E danza con le giunchiglie.
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