Articoli letteratura inglese
Jamaica Kincaid’s “A small place” is a travel book in which the West Indian Writer wants to define the situation of her native place, the Isle of Antigua, during her childhood (in British colonization time) but also in the period fallowing the end[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Modernism and the “stream-of-consciousness” technique
Modernism and the “stream-of-consciousness” technique After the 1910 in English litterature it were a revolution ,which some critics have later named “Modernism”. The main characteristic of these novels is the focusing on the mental proc[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
John Milton
John Milton John Milton was born London in 1608 in a well educated family; he wrote in Latin and Greek and had a good knowledge of Philosophy; he took his Master of Arts in Cambridge’s college; for a period of time he considered taking religio[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Percy B. Shelley - ENGLAND IN 1819
Percy B. Shelley: ENGLAND IN 1819 Un gruppo di persone si incontra per chiedere condizioni migliori di vita; si trattava di una manifestazione pacifica ma l’esercito attacca i manifestanti uccidendone molti. Succede a Ma[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn nota come la prima donna che si guadagna da vivere da sola con i suoi romanzi. Ma è una figura molto eclettica. Era infatti già conosciuta come drammaturga e come poeta quando esce con il suo Oroonoko. Cambiamento nella produzi[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
THE TUDOR PERIOD Tudor England signified the end of medioeval system, signified the start of modern age. The most important changes were: - the introduction of The New Learning - the English Reformation (Church) - the importance of[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
HENRY JAMES (1843 – 1916)
HENRY JAMES (1843 – 1916) Henry James chose an individually oriented type of fiction whose main purpose is the exploration of the human mind. He reduced the narrator’s commentary to the mi[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
The Knight’s tale - Il prologo, La figura del cavaliere
The Knight’s tale § Il prologo Nella parte conclusiva del prologo, dopo aver presentato accuratamente il periodo (tra l’11 e il 18 aprile), il luogo (Tabard Inn e strada verso Canterbury), ciò che[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
“JULIUS CAESAR” - William Shakespeare - INTRODUCTION
“JULIUS CAESAR” William Shakespeare INTRODUCTION Probably written in 1599, Julius Caesar was the earliest of Shakespeare s three Roman history plays. Like Antony and Cleopatra and Coriolanus, Julius Caesar is a dramatization of ac[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
DUBLINERS Capitolo della storia morale dell’Irlanda. La storia biografica di Joyce, ricca di traumi infantili, è un simbolo dell’artista irlandese, in una condizione di isolamento e rivolta. Si ribella sia all’Inghilterra che all’Irlanda: r[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
THE TURN OF THE SCREW HENRY JAMES Setting: England Characters: the governess Mrs Grose Flora and Miles Prologue A group of friends gathered around a fire in a country house[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
THE AGE OF REVOLUTIONS With the expression “the age of revolutions” we indicate that period in which Britain was influenced by 2 historical events: on one side, the Industrial Revolution changed Britain’s social structure; on the othe[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Robinson is a free spirit that you decide to travel. Even if his father is contrary
Robinson is a free spirit that you decide to travel. Even if his father is contrary. In one of his trips robinson shipwrecked on an desert isolates . He is the only survivor. On the island he stays for 28 years. However Robinson after so[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist: analisi critica
Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist: analisi critica OLIVER TWIST represent a social comment on London society in which Dickens was living in. Each author ahas a particular poin of view on London. es. Gay---à Dryden à criminality (we find[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
THE GOTHIC NOVEL: -great importance to terror and horror -atmosphere of gloom, oppression and mystery -ancient settings, like isolated castles, mysterious abbeys and convents -use of supernatural beings, like vampires, monsters, ghosts an[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
MARY SHELLEY’S AFFECTIONS The nineteen year old Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin had been involved in a competitive game,in which everyone had to tell a horrifying story, with the poet Shelley, the already famous Byron and doctor Polidori dur[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE (1772 - 1834) Works: he wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". This poem contains many of the features traditionally associated with ballad that are the combination of dialogue and[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE “The rime of the ancient mariner”
SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE “The rime of the ancient mariner” In this poem there are supernatural elements like in the medieval ballad and their main features can be summed up : - the old mariner comes from nowh[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE C.’s poem “The Rime of an Ancient Mariner” is a ballad because it is full of repetitions, it contains a sort of refrain and it tells a dramatic and story in verse; it is written in archaic language and it is a mixtur[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
COLERIDGE - The Rime of the Ancient Marine
COLERIDGE Coleridge’s ideas were mostly illustrated in “Biographia Literaria” in which he spoke not only about his life and opinions but also about the role of the “Imagination” and how it acts in human mind. To explain the process he distingui[ Leggere ]..Dati |  |  |
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