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Articoli letteratura inglese


OLIVER TWIST Oliver Twist is the story of a young orphan boy who reflects the life of poverty in England in the 1830’s.  The story illustrates the evils of the Poor House’s of the time and the corruption of the people who work there. 
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Enrica Carbini

Shakespear’s Sonnets        ESSAY The sonnet is a fixed form of poetry origina
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DAVID HERBERT LAWRENCE (1885 Eastwood-1930 Vence)

DAVID HERBERT LAWRENCE (1885 Eastwood-1930 Vence) Tra gli scrittori della prima decade del ‘900 e quelli della seconda c ‘č una bella differenza. Mentre i primi si soffermano sulla DESCRIZIONE ESTERIORE delle azioni e dei personaggi ,ade
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JOHN KEATS John Keats was born in London in 1765 in a middle class family and died in Rome in 1821 because of tuberculosis. His short life was not a lucky one; he lose his mother and one of his brothers for tuberculosis and his early poems
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JOHN KEATS (1795-1821) - Life, Features and themes

JOHN KEATS (1795-1821) Life ·        Familyŕ humble but well-off family. His father died when he was 8, at 14 he lost also his mother and his brother (tuberculosis).     -Loss and insecurity due
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David Herbert Lawrence (1885 - 1930)

David Herbert Lawrence (1885 - 1930) Life Family: working class: his father was a coal miner (illiterate, drunk but generous and full of vitality): his mother was a school teacher (middle class and cultural backgrou
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John Dryden (1631-1700)

John Dryden (1631-1700) John Dryden is a turncoat; a person who often change his opinion. He changed his opinions and religion a lot of times. Es. He wrote an ode to Cromwell and then he turned his mind to royalism. He was a wonderful scholar
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George Bernard Shaw - Differences between Shaw and Wilde

George Bernard Shaw Shaw was born in Dublin in 1856 and came to London at the age of twenty. At first, he dedicated his life in dramatic criticism. He was so admiring of Henrik Ibsen’s works, that he wrote in 1891 The Quintessence of Ibse
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THE VICTORIAN AGE The adjective Victorian is used to describe a set of moral values. The Victorians were great moraliser. They promoted a code of values that reflected the world as they wanted it to be, not as it really was, based on perso
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FRANKENSTEIN, THE MODERN PROMETHEUS Bibliografia: ·        S. GREENBLAT, M. H. ADAMS, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, fifth edition, New York, Norton,
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The plot of Robinson Crusoe - The new middle-class hero

The plot of Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe is an Englishman from the town of York in the seventeenth century, the youngest son of a merchant of German origin. The hero of the novel is a middle-class man, Robinson Kreutznaer, anglicised Crusoe,
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Il teatro inglese dalle origini all'avvento di Shakespeare

Il teatro inglese dalle origini all'avvento di Shakespeare Nell’Inghilterra di inizio Cinquecento, le rappresentazioni proposte in teatro erano raggruppabili in vari generi: c’erano quelle sacre e i drammi allegorici religiosi (miracle plays
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Wuthering Heights - wrote by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights, wrote by Emily Bronte, was published in 1847. It was her only novel and her masterpiece and was a highly imaginative and dramatic presentation of a tragic story. However it was not an immediate success b
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DANIEL DEFOE (1660-1731)

DANIEL DEFOE (1660-1731) Defoe was born in London of a family of Baptists in the year of the Restoration. He was educated at one of the best Dissenting Academies (Newton Green) where he grounded in practical subjects like geography, econ
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Charles Dickens as social novelists

Charles Dickens as social novelists. Charles Dickens, from the observation of the gloomy suburbs of the industrial towns, of the dreary life led by the poor and the pitiful conditions of the workers in the factories, he came to realisticall
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Charles Dickens - Early life, Literary success

Charles Dickens Early life     Charles Dickens lived a very intense life. He was born at Landport, near Portsea in the south of England, in 1812. His family was a large one and had great difficulty making ends meet. The boy was twelve w
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Letteratura Inglese - Preromanticism 1750-1798, Romanticism 1800-1837, The Victorian age 1837-1890

Letteratura Inglese Preromanticism 1750-1798 It’s not a movement: it’s a phenomenon. It is the beginning of the crisis of Illuminism. It’s the bringing forward Romanticism Themes -       &n
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ROMEO AND JULIET by William Shakespeare

"ROMEO AND JULIET" by William Shakespeare First Act - In Verona there are two houses in enmity with each other, Capuleti and Montecchi. Sansone and Gregorio, servants to Capuleti meet Abramo and Baldassare, servants of Montecchi, and
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William Blake: LONDON

William Blake:       LONDON This poem conveys the poet’s view of London. Reading the first stanza we can already understand that there is a first person narrator because the first word is the “I” pronoun. The poet while walking in th
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VIRGINIA WOOLF   Life Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882 from a rich family. His father was an editor of the English Dictionary of National Biography; her mother was a sensitive woman and she belonged to the aristocratic w
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