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Articoli inglese

The Bronte sisters: JANE EYRE

The Bronte sisters: JANE EYRE Jane Eyre is a young orphan who lives with a cold-hearted aunt and her hostile cousins. One day, after and argument with one of them, her aunt sends her to Lowood charity school, where the discipline is very strict
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THOMAS GRAY - Life and works

THOMAS GRAY      (December 26, 1716 - July 30, 1771) Life and works   Thomas Gray was one of the most important poets of the eighteenth century. This scholar and poet was born in Cornhill, in London. He was the only child in his family
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George Orwell: animal farm - The author and his times

George Orwell: animal farm The author and his times George Orwell was a quiet, decent Englishman who passionately hated two things: inequality and political lying. Out of his hatred of inequality came a desire for a society in which c
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Aestheticism and Decadence

Aestheticism and Decadence The Aesthetic movement developed in the universities and intellectual circles. It reflected the sense of frustration of the artist and his reaction against the materialism. This doctrine was imported from France int
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Nikola Tesla - The inventor who lit the world

Nikola Tesla The inventor who lit the world He had 700 patents. Tesla’s discoveries include the Tesla Coil, fluorescent light, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, cosmic radio waves, the use of ionosphere for sci
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    PART A Read the text and choose the correct answer for the spaces from those below.  MARKETING  In 1950 there was no significant 1. ((a) needs, b) demand, c) question, d) supply) for television. In 19
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Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is probably the most complex character of the whole play: sharp and false, she is the mind behind her husband’s actions, she is the real planner of the king’s murder and, for this reason, she’s the one that feels more
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Duration form

Duration form Per parlare d’azioni o situazioni che sono iniziate nel passato e durano ancora nel presente, si usa in inglese il passato prossimo. Questa costruzione è chiamata “forma di durata”= duration form. In italiano la stesa azione o s
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The word utopia was used for the first time in English literature by Sir Thomas

The word utopia was used for the first time in English literature by Sir Thomas More in the title of his work Utopia (1516). The word indicates an ideal place which does not exist. In More’s book, Utopia is an island where there is not private pro
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     GENERAL INFORMATIONS FORM OF GOVERNMENT: constitutional monarchy PRINCIPLE LANGUAGES: English, Welsh, Scottish, Gaelic CAPITAL: London ADMINISTRA
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Interview to an Italian family

Interview to an Italian family. 1-Good morning Mr and Mrs Rossi. 2(Mr)-Good morning sir. 3(Mrs)-Good morning. 1-That’s an interview for my magazine “Usage of all the world”; You are ours Italian example. All right? 2- Of course.
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Il teatro del Novecento

Il teatro del Novecento Introduzione La produzione teatrale del Novecento è ancora costituita in larga misura da commedie salottiere e drammi a sfondo morale. Il contributo più interessante al rinnovamento del dramma nella prima metà de
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I Verbi modali

I Verbi modali: POTERE: Can: Indica la capacità di fare qualcosa Serve per chiedere il permesso di fare qualcosa Could (traduce l’imperfetto ind e cong e il condizionale) Sempre possibile in una frase negativa
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The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly

The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly It is a story of an unfortunate female seagull Kengah who loses contact with the rest of her friends on her migration to the North Sea. Kengah is trapped by a sticky oil spill in the
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Daffodils This poem is taken from: “Poems in two Volumes” by William Wordsworth. He is famous for his interest in the relationship between natural world and the human consciousness; Wordsworth, though a common man, has greater sensibility a
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The British Isles

The British Isles: Ø      Great Britain Ø      Ireland The landscape of Britain is quite varied: it has chains of mountains and hilly and flat areas: Ø    &n
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Nanny In my opinion, if you like children, it’s a good idea to work as a nanny: you can earn money without too many difficulties, developing your experience. I love working as a nanny because I love interacting with children, and working
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London in winter - London parks, Shopping in London

London’s undeserved reputation does have its advantages: in winter the tourists prefer to stay away and this tends to add attrction and charm to Britain’s capital. London in winter has a particular charm: after the chaos of Christmas and the Janua
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Harold Pinter - The Room - Harold Pinter’s life

Harold Pinter     The Room         Harold Pinter’s life -        Born in Hackney,London in 1930 -     &
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Romantic Poets: Differences - First Generation of Romantic Poets

Romantic Poets: Differences First generation: 1. linked to the English reality (lake district) 2 simple and spontaneous language 3. concern with simplicity and humble people 4. Nature: seen as a reassuring-calming presence with which the po
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