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Articoli inglese

The Lambretta

The Lambretta was a line of motor scooters manufactured in Milano by Ferdinando Innocenti. The name comes from the name of a small river (Lambro) in Milan, near the factory. There are many models, Most of them has 3 or 4 gears and two stroke mot
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Hamlet -        The most obvious theme in death play is taking of revenge -        The taking of revenge in hamlet is intimately interrelated with the themes of/f
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The Curious case of Benjamin Button

-         The Curious case of Benjamin Button The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American fantasy drama film, inspired by the same name short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film was directed
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S.T.Coleridge - “The rime of the ancient mariner”

S.T.Coleridge “The rime of the ancient mariner” It’s a ballad because the poets of romanticism loved middle-age. This ballad is divided into seven parts, each introduced by a short summary of the story so far. It was composed between 1797 an
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Malawi - Geography, Refuges in Malawi

Malawi Geography Malawi is located in the Southern Africa, est of Zambia.The area mesaures 118,480 sq km.It has Zambia to the north-west, Tanzania to the north, and Mozambique surrounding it on the east, south, and west.The capital is Lilon
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THE SMILE  RAY BRADBURY In the town square the queue had formed at five in the morning, while cocks were crowing far out in the rimed country and there were
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THE AESTHETICISM. The term " aestheticism" derives from Greek and means: "Perceiving through senses", this movement has its roots in the Romanticism, but, at the same time, it signs a turn: now the aesthete, has to feel the
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FEMALE SERIAL KILLERS When we talk about a serial killer we usually think of a man. Men have always killed because of the anger, the ambition, rivalry, gambling losses, excessive drinking, on commission, after a defeat. The reasons
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commerce general name to indicate business activities (selling and buying of goods)
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MAIN POINTS of MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT’s FEMINIST THOUGHT 1.      nature has established some differences between men but civilization has increased them even through education. 2.   &n
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JAMES JOYCE “EVELINE” James Joyce was born in Dublin in 1882. His works were considered revolutionary in comparison to the canons of traditional novel. Joyce, like other writers of that time, followed the concept of “duree” of the philoso
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The first generation of romantic poets - William Wordsworth (1770-1850), Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

The first generation of romantic poets William Wordsworth  (1770-1850) The manifesto of English romanticism Poets were characterized by the attempt to theorize about poetry The aim of lyrical ballads is making  intere
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Eliot was born in the Unit States of America from a family of british origin and in 1927 he converted himself to anglicanism, because he wanted to come back to his original backgraund. His conversion is the end of the search for a fixed and
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Dickens: OLIVER TWIST The novel begins in the early 1800. A young woman arrives at a workhouse in a small town north of London, here she gives birth to a boy and then dies. The child is given the name Oliver Twist and is put into a workhouse or
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MIDDLE-AGES: society based on fees , composed : barons, knights , baesans(villans , serfs,) in 14th new class ( middleclass was stood betw. Knights , peasants) religions belived that life of soul is real one , the planet system was earth-centred,
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CITTA DI CASTELLO - One day in Città di Castello

The best country in Upper Tiber Valley One day in Città di Castello Città di Castello is situated on an light height, between the sweet green and laughing hills, are the more important center and populate of the U
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ENGLISHNESS e BRITISHNESS Englishness si oppone a Britishness in quanto la prima si riferisce alla tradizione, al bagaglio culturale e linguistico riguardante esclusivamente l Inghilterra, costruito a partire dal ‘500 e il cui momento d
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A casa egli pensò alla conversazione con Henry

CAPITOLO 17   A casa egli pensò alla conversazione con Henry. Poteva davvero cambiare e si meravigliava? Aveva vissuto una vita malvagia, e aveva distrutto le vite di altre persone. C’erano altre speranze per lui? Perché aveva espre
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AUTORE - Jane Austen

AUTORE Jane Austen (Steventon, Hampshire 1775 - Winchester 1817), British scrittrice, that it had great infuence on the development of the English novel.  Its father was an ecclesiastic and he was taken care that he received the typical educat
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Dr Faustus

Dr Faustus When Faustus was a boy he was so intelligent and ambitious that he was later sent to the University at Wittenberg. There, he became ‘Dr’ Faustus. He soon knew almost everything about law, medicine and logic, but he was not satisf
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