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London in winter - London parks, Shopping in London


London's undeserved reputation does have its advantages: in winter the tourists prefer to stay away and this tends to add attrction and charm to Britain's capital. London in winter has a particular charm: after the chaos of Christmas and the January Sales life returns to n 737f58h ormal. Theatres, cinemas and music programmes offer more. You can either go to some of the historic theatres in the West End, or else you can choose something a little more modern at the National Theatre or the Barbican, a new arts centre in the city built about twenty years ago. And remember that London has an exceptional collection of museums and galleries all of which will be holding special exhibitions.

One thing about London which every visitor from abroad admires is its large number of parks. They play an important part and contribute to the city's character. The best-know parks are: St.James's Park, Hyde Park, Regent's Park and Kensington Gardens. But the central parks of London are not necessarily the most popular. Every district of London has its parks, great or small.

Hyde Park has the Serpentine, a little lake, where one may take a swim or go for a row. The corner of Hyde Park near Marble Arch is know as Speakers' Corner. If you have anything to say you can go there, stand on a chair or a box and express your opinions to the crowd. Regent's Park is the right place to go if you like animals. Here you can feed the ducks and watch the pelicans. You can also visit the Zoological Gardens, which is the largest zoo in the country. Kensington Gardens has the Round Pond were "dry land sailors of all ages" sail every kind of model yacht. St.James's Park boasts a truly elegant lake on which lives a great variety of wild ducks. Apart from their individual attractions, each park has a considerable expanse of well-kept grass. Here, in fine weather, can be seen hundreds of people, some sitting on chairs, some lying on the ground, some strolling about, and bands often play on summer afternoons and evenings.

London is probably the most famous shopping centre in the world, and every year more and more visitors go to London to take advantage of the vast selection of merchandise in its shops. Oxford Street and Regent Street have many shops and department stores, and are probably the busiest streets in London.

London has many large department stores, which sell everything: shoes and shirts, paper and perfume, fur coats and frying pans. There are two very famous department stores in London and both off theme are in the West End, the rich man's world of shops. They are Harrods and Selfridges, the largest department stores in Europe.


The most expensive department store is located in Knightsbridge, one of London's most fashionable districts. At Harrods you can find everything, no matter what it is you want. Harrods is not merely a department store but a legend in itself. Harrod's customers are fond of shopping there and this habit continues generation after generation. The employees of Harrods are helpful and friendly. Twice a year, in January and July, Harrods has a "sale". Many things are almost half price, and there are thousands of bargains.

If you buy at Harrods you know you are getting the best.


Britain's busiest store is situated in Oxford Street, London's most popular shopping area. There are several department stores in Oxford Street, but the best known is Selfridges. Here you will find the most attractive British goods spread over six floors.

Like the major department stores, Selfridges also offers banking services and the opportunity to eat in seven restaurants. They serve everything from snacks to five coure meals.

It may interest you to know that department stores originated in America and the idea was brought to England by Gordon Selfridge.


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