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Interview to an Italian family


Interview to an Italian family.

1-Good morning Mr and Mrs Rossi.

2(Mr)-Good morning sir.

3(Mrs)-Good morning.

1-That's an interview for my magazine "Usage of all the world"; You are ours Italian example. All right?

2- Of course.

1- Mrs Rossi, how many children do you have and how many children have on average Italians families?

3- We have 3 children but most Italians have got usually 2 children.

1- Do you have contacs with yours parents and yours brother's or sisters?

2- yes, we see us all together every Sunday.

1- What's about yours meals?

3- We eat always 3 times during the day and sometimes we have a snack in the afternoon

1-At what time do you usually wake up?

2- We wake up at 7:30 a.m. because children have school and I have to work during the morning.

1-At what time do you have lunch?

3- We have lunch at 1.30 p.m. because my husband come back with the children only at this time.

1-And at what time do you have dinner?

2- We have it usually at 8.30 p.m. but when we have to watch a film on tv, that started at 9.00 p.m., we eat also at 8.00 p.m.

1- Where and how long do you go on holiday?

3- Usually we go a week during the winter to ski on Italians Alpes, two week during the summer at Adriatico or Tirreno's sea and some Sunday we go visit some city or town.

1- How many cars do you have.

2- We have two cars, like all the Italians families.

1- Do you take part to spectacles or concerts?

3- My husband and I usually on Saturday take part to a theatrical performance and sometimes we go with our children to the cinema.

1- Do you have sometimes dinners with some friends?

2- Yes but only one every month.

1-That's enough. Thank you very much!

2- All right.

3- You're welcome!


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