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Articoli lingue

INFANT SORROW - Paraphrasing

INFANT SORROW Structure: “Infant Sorrow” is a poem which comes from Blake’s “Songs of experience”; this can be understood by the point of view of the “narration”, which is that of one who has seen the world and its corruption. It is
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Bodies of the letters pg. 147 n. 1 and pg. 148 Es. F n. 2

Bodies of the letters pg. 147 n. 1 and pg. 148 Es. F n. 2 N. 1 Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of 14 October and we thank you for the enclosed catalogue. Your offer about 10% discount is very interesting, and th
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 CHILD SOLDIERS Between 1945 and 1996, there were over 250 major wars, killing more than 23 million people. On an average yearly basis, the number of war deaths in this period was more than double the deaths in the 19th century, and seven times
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I suoni delle lingue:fonetica e fonologia

I suoni delle lingue:fonetica e fonologia Il nostro apparato fonatorio è in grado di produrre una quantità enorme di suoni.Di questi suoni soltanto una piccola parte fanno parte di una lingua in senso stretto,ovvero soltanto alcuni funzionano l
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Wordsworth Wordsworth s poetry is usually associated with "nature". He lived near Lake District and the natural landscape of this region appealed strongly to his personality, and he always enjoyed close contact with nature and country
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CONGIUNZIONI ·      aber = ma ·      dann = allora ·      deshalb = percui ·      oder = o ·       s
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The common law

The common law  On Christmas day 1066 William the conqueror was crowned in Westminster Abbey. He distributed the conquered lands to his Norman nobles, he took care to retain about a quarter. So the king s power was always gre
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CALLER Partendo de Plaza Costituzione, donde se halla el Bastione de S. Remy, construido en los primeros años del XX siglo, se llega en Avenida Regina Elena, donde se pueden notar a la izquierda las paredes del Duomo con lineas de gustos ro
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COG, THE ROBOT OF THE FUTURE Cog is the newest and most ambitious robot developed by Rodney Brooks, scientist of  MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Cog is a robot design to develop an artificial intelligence, it‘s the only machine
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The story

The story 9 Who now appears in the story? Yes, however cynical you are, however irreligious it makes you feel queer  to be alone at Christmas time. Son I’m absurdly relieved when the young man walks in. There’s nothing in romantic ab
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Riassunti di linguistica Sintassi elementare - Introduzione:la sintassi

Riassunti di linguistica Sintassi elementare Introduzione:la sintassi La lingua è uno strumento attraverso il quale i membri di una comunità si esprimono e comunicano fra loro. Si può pensare ad essa anche come a un sistema formale di ma
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Robinson Crusoe

    Robinson Crusoe R.Crusoe met a handsome man, he was about 26 years old and he had a good countenence. He had long and black hair, his forehead was large and high; the skin wasn’t black but a little b
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Der Expressionismus und die Avantgarden

Der Expressionismus und die Avantgarden               Avantgarden   In der Jahre zwischen 1905 und 1920 werden neuen Kunstbewegungen geboren. In Musik hatte Schönberg die Dodecaphonie, eine neue atonale, schwer singbare eingefüh
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CONDIZIONALE PRESENTE:si esprime 1 azione realizzabile in base a certe condizioni o previsioni. Le desinenze x tutti i verbi ais,ais,ait,ions,iez,aient, la radice è quella del futuro! ETRE AVOIR PARLER
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“ Compianto sul Cristo morto “ –Giotto

“ Compianto sul Cristo morto “ –Giotto Giotto descrive con grande drammaticità e realismo la scena del compianto sul Cristo morto: il pittore dimostra la volontà di abbandonare le istanze bizantine, la visione non è più trascendentale ma est
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Continuous present

Continuous present FORMA AFFERMATIVA Soggetto + presente to be + forma base + ing FORMA INTERROGATIVA Presente to be + soggetto + forma base + ing FORMA NEGATIVA Soggetto + presente to be + not + forma base + ing
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Le mans - Calvaires de Bretagne

Le mans: chef-lieu du départment de la Sarther dans le  Pays-de-la-Loire.C est une siège épiscopale catholique.C est aussi un important centre commercial et industriel.On peut aller visiter le célèbre autodrom où chaque année on court la célèb
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NOMENCLATURA DEI COMPOSTI CHIMICI OSSIDI Quasi tutti gli elementi formano ossidi. Questi composti binari si possono preparare generalmente per reazione diretta dell elemento con l O. Questa reazione è sempre esoergonica: elemento + O2
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COMPARATIVES and SUPERLATIVES   Comparative adjectives are forms like younger, more expensive. Superlative adjectives are forms like youngest, most expensive. Farther/further and farthest/furthest are both used to talk about d
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    Common Law Common law is a juridical system developed in England. It s a consuetudinary right produced by law courts and applied in Anglo-Saxon countries. (Now I explay what I sayed) It is called Common Law becau
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