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Bodies of the letters

Bodies of the letters PG 148 N. 1 Dear Sirs, We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 02 May. We have received your catalogue and price list, for which we thank you We have decided to place an order for the
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Datifile di piccole dimensionidocumento senza foto

BLAKE - The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Innocence)

BLAKE The Chimney Sweeper  (from Songs of Innocence) Comprehension 1)      Who is the speaker? A little chimney sweeper. 2)      What happened to him when he was very small?
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Datifile di piccole dimensionidocumento senza foto

Queen Victoria’s accession to the throne

Queen Victoria’s accession to the throne During the reign of William IV (1830-1837) there were a lot of reforms: The Reform Act (1832) with which he redistributed seats on a more equitable basis in country, and extend
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Datimezzo appuntoappunti analisi senza foto

La linguistica è lo studio scientifico del linguaggio umano

CAPITOLO 1: La linguistica è lo studio scientifico del linguaggio umano. tutti usiamo un linguaggio che chiameremo linguaggio naturale o umano. ad. ex il linguaggio dei computer, il linguaggio dei fiori... sono tutti sistemi di comunicazi
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Datidocumento di grandi dimensioniarticolo con foto

BUCOLICHE - Quarta ecloga

BUCOLICHE Quarta ecloga. O muse siciliane, cantiamo argomenti un po’ più elevati! Non a tutti piacciono gli arbusti e le umili tamerici; se cantiamo le selve, le selve siano degne di un console. Ormai è giunto l’ultimo cielo storico prof
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I personaggi di To the lighthouse di Virginia Woolf

I personaggi di To the lighthouse di Virginia Woolf   In to the lighthouse la situazione dei personaggi risulta quasi completamente dal testo stesso. La signora Ramsay è la bellissima ma non più giovane moglie di un apprezzato profe
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Datimezzo appuntoappunti analisi senza foto


IL VOLGARE NEL PERIODO DELLE ORIGINI L’impiego del volgare nella scrittura presuppone un lungo periodo preparatorio. Nel Medioevo non tutte le opere assumevano la stessa dignità: alfabetizzazione equivaleva a studio del latino letterario,
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Datidocumento di grandi dimensioniarticolo senza foto

Charles baudelaire

Charles baudelaire  “Corrispondenze”  E’ una poesia-manifesto in cui Baudelaire enuncia una determinata visione del mondo e delinea la funzione della poesia, una funzione di tipo mistico. Le forme materiali della natura non
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Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du mal

Charles Baudelaire Il est né à Paris en 1821, fils d’un homme déjà âgé. Il avait six ans lorsqu’il meurt et sa jeune mère se remarie avec un militaire, le commandant Auspick. Charles ressent de ce mariage comme une trahison, se sent chassé
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Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift ·            Born in Ireland in 1667 of English parents ·          
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Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde He is an very brilliant author, fascinating and witty. He was born in a Irish family. his family was known in the upper and middle class society His mother wrote some books about Irish question, and so he grow up in a fam
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charles dickens Charles Dickens is one of the most popular writers of all time. His life is rather like one of his books, full of happy and sad situations. He was born near Portsmouth, England in 1812, and then the family moved to London. H
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GEOFFREY CHAUCER Chaucer’s knowledge of literature and languages makes him truly a European writer. He was familiar with the works of contemporary French poets and with those of Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio. Virgil, Ovid, Lucan, Boethius are
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Earl Bertrand Arthur William Russell

Bertrand Russell is one of the outstanding figures of 20th century British philosophy, especially important for his work in mathematical logic. In his long life was imprisoned twice for activities associated with support of pacifism (1918) and civ
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Datimezzo appuntoappunti con foto


CHARLES BAUDELAIRE Crée la poésie moderne, experience d’un engagement total de l’écrivain qui cherche dans l’aventure poétique une résolution de ses conflits et un moyen de connaissance du monde. Profondément marqué par ses expérien
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Datimezzo appuntoappunti analisi senza foto

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales is the most famous and critically acclaimed work of Geoffrey Chaucer, a late fourteenth-century English poet. Little is known about Chaucer s personal life, and even less about his education, but a n
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Datidocumento di grandi dimensioniarticolo con foto

Samuel Beckett “Aspettando Godot”

Samuel Beckett “Aspettando Godot” “Aspettando Godot”, l’opera in due atti più nota di Beckett, al suo apparire (1952) venne molto discussa, ma oggi è ritenuta una tappa fondamentale del teatro contemporaneo. Si tratta di un’opera estremam
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CANTERBURY TALES   The General Prologue Canterbury Tales is a pageant of 14th Century life, because every class variation is represented except the highest and the lowest. No nobility and no serfs make the pilgrimage, but the pilgri
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CHARLES DICKENS (1812-1870) Early victorian novelist. He was sent to work in a factory and this influenced his novels. He worked in legal office. He was also journalist- his pen name was “boz”. All his novels are animated by a sense of injustic
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