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Tedesco ZUM THEMA: WERBUNG Immer mehr Botschaften bombardieren uns, buhlen um Aufmerksamkeit. Werbung ist laut, schrill und manchmal witzig. Sie ist allgegenwärtig, aber nicht so allmächtig,
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OSCAR WILDE’S BIOGRAPHY The introduction Wilde was a brilliant oral storyteller, a temporally displaced bard. When he fell from grace during scandal in later life, he earned many a meal-and arranged many a loan---after ensuring an after d
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Samuel T. Coleridge - La Ballata Del Vecchio Marinaio

Samuel T. Coleridge La Ballata Del Vecchio Marinaio I È un vecchio marinaio, e ferma uno dei tre convitati: «Per la tua lunga barba grigia e il tuo occhio scintillante, e perchè ora mi fermi? Le porte del Fidanzato son già tutte aperte
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BEOWULF Beowulf is a long epic poem that was probably composed sometime during the 7th  century. It recounts the deeds and legends of Germanic tribes which lived in the Baltic area from where the Anglo-Saxons sailed to invade Britain.
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     PARTI DEL CORPO      CAPELLI   =   HAIR      BOCCA   =   MOUTH       OCCHI   =    EYES    GOMITO   =   ELBOUT       NASO   =   NOSE        DITO   =   FINGER
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     WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770 - 1850) Tintern Abbey: yet from the title we can understand that the poet deals with his personal experience, that is a journery near the banks of the river Why and the effects of t
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Brighton Rock

Brighton Rock Pinky è un teppista diciassettenne che opera con la sua gang sulla spiaggia di Brighton. Fa uccidere Fred Hale, che gli ha fatto un torto, ma questi, sentitosi braccato nella folla della domenica, ha cercato rifugio nella com
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William Shakespeare - Macbeth

Author: William Shakespeare Title: “Macbeth” Main characters: Macbeth is a general of the king of Scotland, Duncan. During the course of the play he commits three heinous crimes: the murder of the king, of his
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Marshall Bruce Mathers III

       BIOGRAPHY Marshall Bruce Mathers III ,better known of as Eminem (or Slim Shady) is said to be one of the most controversial rappers in the world. His sick and twisted lyrics bri
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British Museum

British Museum British Museum, the national museum of antiquities and, until 1973, the national library of Great Britain, located in London. The British Museum was founded in 1753, incorporating the collection of the British physician and n
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William Blake - Critical notes

William Blake Critical notes: William Blake was a highly independent artist, poet and engraver. He wanted to keep his art free from any kind of restriction. He lived in isolation and his approach to art, society and life was unconventional. He
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This biography of Nazim Hikmet

This biography of Nazim Hikmet portrays a writer who combined political courage with artistic creativity, even under prison conditions.  Born in Salonika in 1902, he was descended from a cosmopolitan Ottoman family.  It was the turmo
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LITERATUR  DER  NACHKRIEGSZEIT ·        1945 wurden Deutschland und Berlin nach dem Postdamer Konferenz in vier Besatzungszonen aufgeteilt: die sowjetische, die franzòsische, die englische und die
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Burke’s Theory of Sublime and its relevance to Gothic Fiction

Burke’s Theory of Sublime and its relevance to Gothic Fiction The concept of “the sublime” was already an important subject of study and discussion among the philologists, philosophers and artists of classical an­tiquity. The main trea
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GEOFFREY CHAUCER    Geoffrey Chaucer’s exact date of birth is uncertain. He was born sometime between 1340 and 1345.    He studied Latin and the classics, could speak French and later he also learnt Italian.    He went to Italy and he
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Bertolt Brecht: il teatro e la poesia - Bertolt Brecht e il teatro

Bertolt Brecht: il teatro e la poesia Bertolt Brecht e il teatro Brecht è il principale drammaturgo tedesco del Novecento. Nato nel 1898 ad Augsburg (Baviera) scoprì presto il suo amore per il teatro. Il suo esordio in teatro era fortemente
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HEATCLIFF-He he main character of the story. His father adopts him when he was a poor and orphan child in the streets of Liverpool. When he arrives at Wuthering Heights Catherine and Hindley, Mr Earnshow’s sons, are jealous. But Catherine le
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Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616)

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616)  Nació en Alcalá de Henares en 1547.Su padre fue médico y de su madre  no se tienen noticias. Sus primeros años estuvieron ensombrecidos por problemas familiares. Cervantes estudió con los jesuitas de
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WILLIAM BLAKE . William Blake was born in London in 1757 from a middleclass family. He frequented a drawing school and he apprenticed  to an engraver. In 1789 he published his first work: Songs of Innocence The sale of this wor
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William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) The biography of William Butler Yeats is inseparable from the history of Irish nationalism. Both in turn provide major themes for his poetry. Born in Dublin in 1865 into a professional middle-class family,
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