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Bodies of the letters pg. 147 n. 1 and pg. 148 Es. F n. 2


Bodies of the letters pg. 147 n. 1 and pg. 148 Es. F n. 2

N. 1

Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of 14 October and we thank you for the enclosed catalogue.

Your offer about 10% discount is very 757g66h interesting, and therefore we are pleased to place the following order:

2000 Mt. of cotton clothes design "Palmette"

As previously agreed the payment will be made with draft at 30 days from the documents withdrawal from the Bank COMIT ag. Four in Rome.

The prices are intended to be for goods delivered C. & F. Naples; the shipment must be done within the end of November.

We look forward to receiving your confirmation and we remain,

Yours sincerely

N. 2 Es. f

Dear Sirs,

Many thanks for your letter dated 20 April, for the catalogue and the samples you sent us under separate cover.

Since your prices compare favourable with others, we are pleased to place the following order:

1000 kilos of keemun Tea, 1996 crop, £ 2 per kilo

In the next few days, we shall give instruction to our Bank for the opening of a Letter  of Credit in your favour, but a pro-forma invoice is essential for it to proceed. If other documents are necessary, the Bank will ask you directly.

As to delivery time, we agree to receive the goods within the end of May C. & F. Venice. Please remind that the certificate of Origin is essential for our customs authorities,

We look forward to receiving your confirmation ad we remain,

Yours faithfully


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