American Civilization
What is the nature of the relationship between two terms?
Foot massage ----- punishment
(wrong act)
According to Jules the punishment doesn't fit the crime, whereas according to Vince it does. No racial conflict between the two, they seem to get along well.
Is giving a foot massage like oral sex?
Body / foot organic link (according to Vince)
Hand / intention of the person
Inside / outside: fundamental trait of American culture. Americans would like the interior and the exterior to be equals idea articulated by WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) males. Woman is seen as false to the male, from the male perspective.
Dishonesty / Erotic appeal
Calvin's Protestantism Just do it
1530 1997
Emphasis on "just do". No matter what you do pure activity / action / act. Being is not important, doing is fundamental. "I do, therefore I am" NOT "I think, therefore I am".
Anti-intellectual side of American culture.
"God helps those that help themselves": expression linked to the notion of pure activity ( "to do something for its own sake"). The cultural equivalent "Aiutati che Dio ti aiuta" expresses a consequential relationship: if. then. You don't do something simply for its own sake.
The God / Man relationship according to the Roman Catholic Church is physically represented in the structure of a church, where you go from the Material to the Spiritual, from the Body to the Soul.
According to Calvin:
Before you're born you can be saved or damned PREDESTINATION.
You can't do nothing in this life to change your fate.
You can't even never know what your fate is.
The relationship to God has already happened before your born, and it's an ARBITRARY relationship. The consequence is: Why be good? Why have a Church? VERY RADICAL IDEA.
The Church raised because people thought they could change their fate. With Calvinism there's no theological reason for being good, there's only a civic or political reason law and order.
Interior Exterior
Between these terms there is an arbitrary relationship
Signified Signifier.
Saussure's view is in debt t 959j95j o his Calvinistic heritage
The relationship good/saved, bad/damned is broken. According to Calvinism we have a calling or a vocation in this world importance of WORK. If you do something in this world, you glorify God, it's not by contemplation that you glorify him.
"I mean what I say and I say what I mean"
"The Lord's prayer": language which comes from King James' translation of the Bible 80% of the words are Anglo-Saxon, monosyllables.
The Bible had (and still has) an incredible influence on American culture, it was the only book you needed to read.
Latin English
Complexity Simplicity
The translation of the Bible into English was a move of simplicity "plain style". You remove any unnecessary layers to the signifier, so you come closer to the meaning.
Plain style
Clothing "the vestment scandal"
According to
Man Man
In this way you commercialize God and you spiritualize business. See also: Max Weber "The spirit of capitalism and the ethics of Protestantism".
If you don't work you're not lazy, you're immoral SLOTH (one of the seven capital sins). If you buy an object, you buy something which is somehow "spiritualized".
Metaphors allows us to live with contradictions.
E.g.: "Slavery is a blot on the blueprint of
Blot = ink stain; blueprint = design, project.
According to this metaphor
slavery is something unplanned, an accident in the history of
Hand ----------- Tool Signified ------------- Signifier
Marriage Fit
In American culture knowledge comes from doing something, especially with you hands INSTRUMENTALITY of American culture.
Roman Catholic mystics saw themselves as "vessels" which needed to be filled by God passive condition. Protestants see themselves as "tools" in the hands of God. God is moving them.
Expressions linked to the word "hand": can you handle that?
Hands on.
Language as a tool:
Interior Exterior
The interior gaze wants to turn the interior out.
Vaccination: should you put evil in a pure body? Great theological debate.
1748: Great Awakening religious Revival, which periodically affects American society. The puritan sermon was a highly developed form in American culture. Edwards wrote a famous sermon called "Sinners in the hands of an angry God", which works on the power of God of having you in his hands. It's new in Calvinistic tradition (usually based on a rational, reasonable argument), because the body becomes the sight of your argument you don't have to be a cultivated person to show God is near you. "The shakers": people who shake to show God's presence.
The Swamp (also marsh or quagmire): idea articulated by Bunyan in "Pilgrim's progress". The swamp of iniquity the symbol of sin. Your inside is the swamp.
"The booth" accentuates the process of going inside, it symbolizes the gesture of entering.
According to
According to
PRAGMATISM: Philosophical school. Truth is what works.
DEISM (today "
According to Calvinism, the man/God relationship is arbitrary.
According to Deism, it is absolutely zero.
If the watch is perfect, why can't we be perfect?
The way to wealth
People ------------ taxes ------------ Government source of the problem according to the people)
Source of the problem according to Father Abraham = idleness.
The source of the problem is inside the individual, as well as the solution.
Time is measurable, quantifiable.
In American culture if you're lazy you're morally sick, diseased.
Inside/outside, soul/body the nature of this relationship is Trinitarian, like Father, Son and Holy Ghost. They are also fundamental categories in philosophy and theology.
If you think the One, you get rid of the possibility of deception mask, trap.
Reason is perfect, so why can't we be perfect? It's not reasonable to be reasonable, it's convenient, useful. Convenience dominates reason.
Language is a tool
Every time you do something you should ask yourself: "Is this necessary? Is this useful? Helpful?" If you can't think the world as parted between useful/unuseful* etc. then you can't also think it as parted between black and white.
*These elements are mutually exclusive, and therefore they're pure.
Clean/Unclean physical cleanliness is also spiritual cleanliness, because the body is the metaphor of your soul.
Ploughman/Gentleman -- Servant/Master -- American/European
D.H. Lawrence judges
Crèvecoeur. Not clearly on the side of the Americans DUPLICITY. Privileged character: farmer, cultivator of the earth. Cultivating the earth is what cultivates you. Man is like a plant.
1826: Cooper writes "The last of the Mohicans". The hero is Naddy Bamppo, who is the absolute opposite of the cultivator, because he's a hunter. Uneducated but virtuous, because he's closer to nature, and so to God.
man both
Uncultivated man and Crèvecoeur
They prefer:
uncultivated rather than wild because they see themselves as cultivators.
Cultivate the uncultivated
Civilize and conquer the wild land
INDIAN: two ways of seeing it
If the land is uncultivated, the cultivator has more rights to take that land and cultivate it than the wild Indian.
Decency in Crèvecoeur. Ward for the middle class. Not being above or below anybody else everything is on a horizontal sameness. UNIFORMITY. No master or servant but decency.
Regenerate (rebirth) is
in between
Adoption: you must be an orphan = no parents.
Received not conceived. An American is received.
White - Dark contract man/woman the man is castrated
Both males the male is free woman = civilizing element
Eternal child children blood relationship
Having children = attempt to live forever once you have fallen from the Garden of Eden children are also a sign of death.
In American culture you want to eliminate the blood relationship. You can see this when the child leaves the parents' home at an early age he/she wants to deny this blood relationship and underline the fact that he/she has no parents.
Red man civilization
Wild if you go this way you degenerate
The closer you come to
Frontier: important notion in American culture ( see Kennedy's "New Frontier"). The axe becomes one of the most important symbols in American culture, because it is the symbol of European civilized men. You can't move west without the axe.
Later on the Americans admit
to be savage, and they're proud of it. The price of civilization is too high.
In the conflict farmer/hunter no one represents the law. The hunter is a way of
taking distance from the civilized
Farming: time and space are organized reasonably.
Hunting: no fences no articulated space. Time is organized on the basis of your appetite.
Cultivator vs. non-cultivator
Doing vs. idleness
The idle person no longer has a natural right.
"Shane", by George Stevens, 1953
Ryker Joe
Rancher Farmer
No fences Fences
All men Men/Women
Arrived first Arrived second
Frontier Middle space
The rancher raises cattle for meal, while the farmer wants to be self-sufficient.
Ryker feels almost like he's an Indian.
Shane occupies the space between the two, he can go either ways.
The director wants to articulate the myth of the western. The movie is about how a civil society is founded. But what do we do about violence? Death? Valley = Edenic space. Very white movie. In order to establish a civil society, we need violence. The person who commits the violence "kills" himself, so violence doesn't touch the community. Shane is a threat to life, in fact he's wearing Indian clothes.
1954 - Brown vs. Board of Education: abolition of "separate but equal".
Joe Joey Marianne
Shane takes off his pistol and picks up the axe. When he does so, he becomes asexual. The American culture is not erotic, it's pornographic.
"As American as apple pie"
Big Apple
An apple a day keeps the doctor ( = SIN) away
Johnny Appleseed
knowledge of good and evil FALL
In the Bible the apple represents sin; in American culture it's the symbol of health!
Apple = sign of temptation, seduction (usually!).
In order to be innocent you need to be child-like.
Rite of passage
Boy man
Phallus Pistol
Past (as a killer)
SHANE'S PISTOL He has both repressed them
N.R.A. (National Rifle Association): lobby. It has prevented any bill on arms control.
Blood relationship which becomes cancelled. The traditional notion of the family is being radically rethought. Shane talks about the value of family in 1953, not in the 1870's.
The anniversary is the celebration of a contract. It is the celebration of an union on the day of the breaking of an union.
Joe is uncomfortable with speaking he's honest.
adoption ( = Cutting of blood relationship)
The individual means the destruction of the family. "Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps": you must be absolutely independent.
True love is supposed to
explain the relationship between Joe and Marianne. Cult of true romance. In
Force No talking
Talking No force
Cultivator City
Self-sufficient Dependent on trade
Billie Holiday "Strange fruit".
"Self-reliance". Emerson was very appreciated by Nietzche. He studied Kant and Hegel. Linked to Transcendentalism. Radical idea of the individual.
If you need help, we won't help you, because this prevents you from being self-sufficient, it will hurt you. Everything you need is in you. You should be ashamed if you ask for help. VERY STRONG IDEA.
This idea can work because of abundance, opportunity, and it explains the poorness of:
Pension plans
Trade unions
Health insurance
Social security system
The Government doesn't have to help you.
Affirmative Action: special privileges for minorities. Very strongly attacked.
Envy works on the principle that "your gain is my loss" ( zero-sum logic). Perceived lack. Envy is ignorance of abundance (=infinite).
American culture is infantile. Nonchalance is possible because of abundance.
History is nothing but a dead body, so what's the point in it? Remembering is what gives you personality. Who cares if you contradict yourself? Aristotle's principle of non-contradiction:
"A cannot be A and non-A at the same time". This can happen in an ideal time, not in a REAL one.
According to Emerson it's not even possible to contradict yourself. If you want me to be consistent you're RELYING on me, and not on yourself. He tries to be just one step ahead of history.
Mookie: do not think do the right thing. Your instinct is good.
Thinking is not natural, it's artificial.
MOOKIE wants to appear black to the blacks and white to the whites. He's playing a double game.
SHANE plays the part of the farmer and that of the killer.
"Do the right thing". Everybody in the black community calls themselves "brother" and "sister" community = family.
Sal (cash relationship)
Black community --------- Mookie
Tina blood relationship: how is it possible to break it?
This is what makes racism possible
Importance of the lips: Spike Lee is saying the blacks are not ashamed of them.
Mookie wears
He wears Robinson's T-shirt (1st Afro-American to play professional sport).
Jackie Robinson BLACK
Sal's pizzeria WHITE
Pino always wears white T-shirts because he hates blacks, while Vito always wears black T-shirts because he likes blacks.
if you touch my radio, you touch me
Radio Rahim Radio
What is the relationship between Mookie and Radio Rahim? Problematic question.
Mookie perhaps has an interest in eliminating Radio Rahim because he represents the blood relationship within the black community.
INTERIOR EXTERIOR he has the same relationship that R.R. has with his radio
Sal Pizzeria
Mookie says "Don't let the blood relationship interfere with my cash relationship", while Buggin Out says the opposite "Stay black"
Sal says "I just killed your radio" R.R. wants to kill Sal. Then, a white policeman kills R.R., so the blacks want to kill Sal it doesn't happen, but Mookie and the blacks "kill" Sal's pizzeria.
Radio Rahim is worth the pizzeria.
People who were separate at the beginning now have come together. CIRCULAR STRUCTURE.
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