Bram Stoker
Jonathan Harker, a solicitor from London, arrived at the Golden Krone Hotel on the eve of St George's Day, the night when evil things had complete power.The landlady gave Jonathan a crucifix to protect him from evil.The next day John took a public coach to the Borgo Pass where he met the Count's coach.The driver of this coach was very strange:he has very red eyes and pointed teeth.The journey in the coach was like a nightmare.The driver sometimes stopped the coach when he saw faint blue flames.Finally the driver of the coach left John in front of the massive door of the Count's castle.For a moment nobody open 626i89g ed the door.Just then a tall old man with a long white moustache opened the door.The old man didn't come out to greet John but he told John to come in of his own will.This strange old man was Count Dracula himself.He was the only person Jonathan saw in the castle.At first they talked about the old estate that the Count was buying in England, but certain strange things began to happen. For example, one morning while John was shaving, the Count came close to him, but John couldn't see his reflection in the shaving mirror.When the Count saw that John has some blood on his chin for a cut, the Count tried to grab his throat.Fortunately, John had the crucifix around his neck.After this frightening event John realised he was a prisoner.Also the Count warned him not to fall asleep in other parts of the castle.But John disobeyed the Count, and he fell asleep in a room where noble women had once livedThere, three women appeared who didn't cast shadows in the moonlight.They came close to John and one of them was about to kiss his throat with her voluptuous lips.Just then the Counte appeared and grasped the neck of the woman, and pulled her away.The Count told them that John was his, but that later they could kiss him as much as they wanted. Soon, John realised that the Count was going to kill him, and that Drac was somw kind of monster.In fact John found the Count lying in a box in the chapel.A few days later when he looked inside the great box, the Count's white hair had become dark grey and there were drops of blood on his chin and neck. John then realised that he was helping to bring that monster full of blood to London.He picked up a shovel and tried to hit Dracula,but the Count blocked him with some magical power pf his eyes. John then ran out of the vault and to the Count's room.The wind blew the door shut and he was a prisoner again. Later he heard a wagon with the boxes of earth and the Count's box going away. John realised that he was alone in the castle with the vampire women.He decided to escape by climbing down the wall of the castle.
After Mina's best friend Lucy came to visit her
in the town of
After Lucy's death, many little children started to disappear, When they returned home they had punctures on their necks. They said that the "bloofer lady" had bite them. Van Helsing tried to explain to Dr Seward that the "bloofer lady" was Lucy, but he didn't want accept the terrible truth.So, Van Helsing took him to the graveyard.The first night they went they found Lucy's coffin empty.The second time they went Lucy was in her coffin and she was more beautiful than ever. Then Van Helsing explained that they had to destroy the vampire that Lucy had become, so the real Lucy could be free.He also said that Arthur had to do it.So, Arthur, Van Helsing and Dr Seward went to the graveyard to wait for Lucy.When she appeared she was carrying a child. When Arthur saw her he accepted to kill her.They went into the tomb after Lucy had entered it. Van Helsing gave Arthur a hammer and a stake.Arthur put the stake over Lucy's heart and hit it.He hit until the body stopped moving. Then, they could see that the real Lucy was there and the vampire in her had been destroyed.
After Lucy's death they started to look for the boxes of earth, but while they're looking Dracula came to the lunatic asylum to suck Mina's blood.The only person who knew about this was Renfield and he now liked Mina.So, Renfield tried to prevent Dracula from coming into the asylum but one night Dracula attacked Renfield and almost killed him.When the men returned to the asylum that night, Renfield told them how Dracula entered the asylum.The men then ran immediately to Mina's room.When they entered the room, Mina was drinking blood from a cut in the Count's chest. The Count disappeared when the men walked towards him holding the Sacred Wafer and silver crucifixes.After that the men continued looking for the boxes of earth, but now Van Helsing tried to protect Mina by touching her forehead with the Sacred Wafer, but the Sacred Wafer burnt her. Then one morning before dawn Mina called Van Helsing to her room.She told him that he must hypnotise her so she could enter into the Count's mind.She told them that she could hear the lapping of water.This is how they knew that the Count was on a ship called Czarina Catherine which was going ton the port of Varna on the Black Sea.They took a train to Varna,but when they arrived they discovered that the Count has tricked them.The Czarina Catherine has gone to another port called Galatz.And the Count's box was now on a boat going up a river.So, Van Helsing and Mina went in a carriage to the castle; Arthur and Jonathan went in a steam launch up the river; and Quincey and Dr Seward followed on horses on the banks of the river.Mina and Van Helsing arrived first at the Count's castle.Van Helsing went into the castle and found the graves of the threee vampire women; then he drove a stake through their hearts. When he had finished this terrible work, he heard Mina calling him.The Count's wagon was arriving with a group of armed men.Then they saw their friends arriving on horseback.When the Count's wagon was near them, they heard their friends shout "Halt". They all raced up to the Count's wagon.There was a fight with the Count's men, and Quincey was hurt.They threw the box to the ground and pulled off the lid. In that moment, the sun was going down, but just then Jonathan cut through the Count's throat and Quincey stabbed the Count in the heart.The Count's body then turned to dust.
While Quincey was dying the read scar on Mina's forehad disappeared, and the man was very happy because he could help her.And then, with a smile and in silence, he died, a gallant gentleman.
Harker:young solicitor,from
Dracula: the Transylvanian noble who bought a house in
Mina Murray:Jonathan's fiancée.She's a journalist.The Count use Mina's blood to live. She can be seen as Bram's ideal woman: courageous and intelligent, but always working to help her man. Women in this book fear Count Dracula but at the same time they can feel his great sexual charm. Mina was for her friends a symbol of goodness, purity and faith. She was a gallant woman, full of sweetness and love.
Lucy Westenra: Mina's best friend. She's very sweet and beautiful. She has a sensitive soul and doesn't want to hurt anybody. She thinks that her friendship with Mina is very important and she always says everything to her friend.When she became a vampire, she was more beautiful, she had pointed teeth , she was hard, cruel and voluptuous,her lips were red.
Arthur Holmwood: Lucy's fiancé. He loves his woman a lot and after her death he employs all his time trying to destroy the Count and to take revenge.
Dr.John "Jack"Seward: Director of a lunatic asylum, and one of Lucy's suitors.He is 29 years old. Although Lucy refuses him, he spends all his energy to try to save her and to kill Count Dracula.He show his courage, his intelligence and goodness. He also studies with lots of interesting Renfield's strange behaviour.He is very calm and very strong. He seems very cool on the outside, but he's very nervous.
Abraham Van Helsing: John Seward's teacher from
Quincey P.Morris: Lucy's
third suitor from
R.M. Renfield: One of Dr Seward's patients in the lunatic asylum. He's a weird man.
I don't like this book because it is not my kind. The horror books I don't succeed in reading them, in fact I have employed a lot of time. From the kind horror I don't succeed in finding anybody moral.
goes to Transylvania to conclude business with Dracula then the story moves
-burning: bruciante
-coquettishly: in modo civettuolo
-bitter offensiveness: amara offensiva
-to lick: leccare
-moisture: saliva
-tongue: lingua
-to grasp: afferrare
-to nod: annuire
-handle: manico
-ledge: pianerottolo
-spiral stairway: scaletta a chiocciola
-graveyard: cimitero
-vaults: tombe
-grimly: seriamente
-cheeks: guance
-skin: pelle
-rumour: diceria
-sympathy: comprensione
-slang: linguaggio,gergo
-abbey: cappella
-graveyard: cimitero
-tombstones: lapidi
-harbour: porto
-secretive: riservato
-selfish: egoista
-flies: mosche
-to get rid of smb: liberarsi di qualcuno
-buzzing: suono onomatopeico di Buzzzzzzzz
-sparrows: passerotti
-attendant: Infermiere
-feathers: piume
-raw: crudo
-sultry: umido
-warning: avvertimento
-roaring: ruggenti
-thick sea-fog: densa nebbia marina
-searchlight: faro
-reef: scogliera
-helm: timone
-log: diario di bordo
-crew: equipaggio
-to sleepwalk: essere sonnambulo
-bench: panchina
-beast: bestia
-shawl: asciugamano
-safety pin: spilla
-delivery: consegna
-mansion: podere
-bedside: capezzale
-bones: ossa
-veins: vene
to grab: prendere
-precipice: precipizio
-employer: datore di lavoro
-to amuse: divertire
-to crawl: strisciare
-to climb: arrampicarsi
-shadows: ombre
-sapphires: zaffiri
-moonlight: luce della luna
-wicked: cattivo
-brave: coraggioso
-deserve: merito
-blind: tapparella
-parcel: pacco
-flapping: svolazzzamento
-keeper: proprietario
-upset: agitato, turbato
-howling: ululato
-giant: gigante
-speck: particella
-dim: profondo
-blood transfusion: trasfusione di sangue
-glad: contento
-bloofer lady: la donna imbrogliona
-grateful: riconoscente
-Un-Dead or Nosferatu: vampiro
-coffin: bara
-Sacred Wafer: ostia sacra
-to set smb free: rendere libero qualcuno
-hammer: martello
-prayer: preghiera
-typewriter: macchina da scrivere
-to wonder: temere
-behaviour: comportamento
-to shallow: ingoiare
-shape: forma
-owl: gufo
-moth: farfalla notturna o tarma
-strenght: forza
-dust: polvere
-strait-jacket: camicia di forza
-to deceive oneself: illudersi
-to worship: adorare
-naked: nudo
-chest: torace
-forehead: fronte
-s-to shave: radersi
-throat: gola
-to blaze: arrossarsi
-unclean: impuro, immondo
-labels: scritte
-to lift up: alzare
-to stab: pugnalare
-revenge: vendetta
-despite: malgrado
-cheerful: allegro
-goodness: bontà
-purity: purezza
-faith: fede
-outcast: rifiutato
-soul: anima
-dawn: alba
-baptism: battesimo
-to gain: vincere, guadagnare
-to trick: Imbrogliare
-surrounded: circondato
-flowing water: acqua che scorre
-oars: remi
-therefore: perciò
-carriage: carrozza
-steam launch: barca a motore
-to catch up: raggiungere
-banks: rive
-guns: fucili
-wild: selvaggio
-whirling: volteggiante
-weird: bizzarro e soprannaturale
-grave: tomba
-shelter: rifugio
-boulder: masso
-square: quadrata
-wagon: carro
-to whip: frustare
-rifles :fucili
-side: fianco
-to pull the lid off: togliere il coperchio da..
-triumph: trionfo
-sadness: tristezza
-in vain: vano
-gallant: nobile, valoroso, coraggioso
car cicatrice
-demons: demoni
-ghouls: spiriti
-social worker: assistente sociale
-civil servant: impiegato
-knighted: cavaliere
-coffin: bara
-to turn into: trasformarsi in
-stake: paletto
-crab: granchio
-crucifix: crocifisso
-sunrise: alba
-sunset: tramonto
-Holy Wafer: sacra ostia
-solicitor: avvocato
-fiancée: fidanzata
- lunatic asylum: manicomio
- suitor: pretendente
-mischievous: dannoso, nocivo
-murderess: assassina
-landlady: direttrice
-Carpathians: Carpazi
-coach: carrozza
-knees: ginocchia
-neck: collo
-pity: pieta
-Ordog, Satan: Satana
-pokol, hell: inferno
-stregoica, witch: strega
-vrolok, vlkoslak: were-wolf(lupo mannaro) or vampire
-farmhouse: fattoria
-to stammer: balbettare
-lips: labbra
-sharp teeth: denti acuti
-to whisper: sussurrare
-grip of steel: stretta d'acciaio
-nightmare: incubo
-to tremble: tremare
-to howl: ululare
-courtyard: cortile
-to fall asleep: cadere addormentato
-purchase: acquisto
-estate: proprietà
-moustache: baffi
-strenght: forza
-handshake: stretta di mano
-nostrils: narici
-eyebrows: sopracciglia
-chin: mento
-nails: unghie
-shaving mirror: specchio da barba
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