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The modern age

letteratura inglese

The modern age

Didactically speaking,  this age starts from Queen Victoria's death (1901). This event marked a turning-point: the view of society changes and also the human mind. This revolution had involved different 959i85j fields:

Science - Figmund Freud discovers psychoanalysis, a new revolutionary science. Freud theorized how human's mind can be rationalized (for instance how dreams can be explained with a scientific method). This theory influenced also literature: now authors are focused on represent the interiority of their characters

Politic - The atmosphere of optimism  (Victorian age) was tragically interrupted by World Wars. Shell-shocking was a mental disease which involved people who are scared for the bombs are dropping down.

Philosophy - A new view of time was suggested by a great philosopher: Henry Bergson (with William James). Einstein discovers the relativity (nothing is objective).

Culture - All the Puritanism of the Victorian Age was dissolving slowly.



Prose Works

The layout changes and also the structure. There are no more rules (no punctuation, no rime) .

Sometimes we didn't find the plot. Human mind is the main protagonist of novels. We have a flowing of consciousness.

In a station of the metro - Ezra Pound

This poem is very similar to a Japanese Haiku: those poems are very short and they are creating images immediately. There's a chromatic contrast between the first and the second line. A striking image is appearing from the dark crowd: petals is an image of beauty (that symbolizes some young girls).


He was very interested in psychology and attracted by Oedipus complex ( because he had a direct experience) . His purpose is to depict human thoughts; he found an answer of his quest into the sexual contact.

"The magnificence of the Night" (from: Women in love)

Here nature is represented as a REFUGE from the evil of the society. This text represented a scandal: there's a "biblical" (solemn) rhythm to describe a sensual act between two lovers.


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