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Wordsworth and the romantic period


Wordsworth and the romantic period

Wordsworth: sympathies to revolutionary movement. --He found in Nature not only the presence of God, but also truth, moral values, joy and ispiration.-- The most important subjec 919i89j t is Nature, used in a variety of senses in his poem. The 1° meaning is that of the countryside as opposed to the town   The 2° m. is nature as a source of feelings. His poems are loaded with words that emphasize joy; many of his poems are essentially a record of man's joyful response in front of nature. 3°: N. is not just a landscape, but it's also an active force, which manifest herself in the wild countryside. The natural world is seen like an expression of God, and it's permeated by Him. Another theme is that of the child. Childhood is the time when man is nearest to God and can feel the glorious splendour of nature. The grown-up man can't feel this splendour and he haven't imagination. W. gives the charm of novelty to things of every day. Subjects are situations from simple rustic life, trasfigurated by imagination. Poetry is the product of emotion recollected in tranquillity. When the poet thinks about daffodils, his heart always fills with pleasure. Romantic period: Poet is a man speaking to other man. He had a great imagination and he's able to see clearly and deeply into the real essence of things. He's set apart from other men, but he must show to people what is wrong for society and what ideals they should pursue (freedom, beauty, truth...)

Many of the Romantic poets expressed sympathy with the French Revolution and were sensitive to the sufferings of the poor and the oppressed. They put in evidence the individual's identity, emotions and experience. Nature and his aspects filled poets with pleasure, and so they slowly criticize the direction of industrial society (dismay in front of lack of beauty) Childhood for Rousseau is near the ideal "state of nature", in which man is innocent and his feelings are fresh and pure (imagination). Imagination is a faculty which can dissolve and remake the objects of the external world. Language: write poetry in a language "really used by men", the language of common people, that are rich of the power of imagination, because it conveys better feelings and notions. Poets drop the artificial and ornate "poetic diction" of the 18th century.

Romantic period: American Declaration of Indipendence, revolution in France and Industrial Rev.

Equality, fraternity and liberty, rise of middle class, universal suffrage; Ind. Rev.: population growth, rise of factory town and people that moved from country to towns to find work.(living conditions very poor working conditions in factories or mines very dangerous. Agricultural rev.: spread of enclosures and technical innovations. The workers began to form trade clubs or associations to look after their interests. Sublime; Interest in non-rational experience (world of horror, sentiment, and picturesque scenery.


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