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In a sort of mystic belief, Wordsworth considers man and nature as different bat inseparable parts of a scheme created by a Mighty Power: so nature is no more a simple decorative background (as with the Augustans) or the mirror of a particu 232e46c lar mood (as with the Elizabethans), but is instead endowed with a spirit and a life, present in animals plants and even in inanimate objects (like stones and mountains), a living presence that speaks to all men who are able to understand her language and to relate with her.

Man, fused perfectly (as parts of one mighty mind) with nature, trough its beauty's quiet contemplation, could rediscover the image of god and of his own inner life; in conclusion, man can learn virtue and wisdom only from the comforter friend of nature, so that the mission of the poet is to open men's minds to the inner reality of nature and to the calm meditative joy she can offer us.


This poem tells about the experience of Wordswort's coming upon daffodils while walking in the lake district, in way of offering a description of the experience of poetic creation, through the description of the remembrance of the episode of the wonderful and pleasant vision of a crowd of thousands daffodils; it is divided into four stanzas:

in the first stanza we see the poet wandering in a state of loneliness and absent-mindedness, but the images appears line by line more vivid: the poet's mind is already at work ordering the experience that flows into it, giving it coherence. A characteristic element of this stanza is the curve described by the daffodils along the lake, related by Wordsworth's active intelligence to the very curve of the heavens.

in the second stanza the daffodils are seen as part of the universal order, as growing where they do like the stars, fixed on the their courses in the Milky Way because of the natural law; through a personification they also dance and twinkle, awaking the author and his mind from the sense of loneliness and homeless (characteristic only of men).

in the third stanza we can notice the importance of the breeze, that move the daffodils and causes the waves on the lake: it is in effect the symbol of the creative activity of the poet, the natural equivalent of the breeze of poetic "glee" which is now blowing through the poet's mind, bringing it in a state of creative joy that makes him happy.

in the fourth stanza it is described the poet's capability of recalling the experience at future times, so that it could be re-examined under a new light by the "inward eye, which is the bliss of solitude" a solitude very different by the melancholy loneliness of the first stanza, because the author now can understand and describe what this experience meant to him, and that had only "little thought" before.


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