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Romeo, Juliet - Macbeth, Lady Macbeth



Romeo appears obstinate and well determined man when he decides to marry Juliet. He loves risk, in fact he goes to a party given by Lord Capulet, the enemy of his family. He falls in love of Juliet at the first sight and the passion takes him violently and his words are v 656d32g ery rich in images and their suggestiveness is very different from everyday language which is plain and ordinary. In Romeo love is over everything, and overcomes the hate for Capulets. This character is very complex but at the same time very human, passionate and resolute.


Juliet kike Romeo is passionate and human, she reveals her love and offers herself to her lover up to death. She is an obstinate woman, fights against her parents to marry Romeo and appears sincere and spontaneous with her Romeo and her feelings are simple and innocent because she gives in to her love without flirting with Romeo. She suffers for Romeo's death and without hesitating she dies too. Love and passion take the two lovers to the tragedy.


In the soliloquy, Lady Macbeth's words reveal that Macbeth is an honest, human and noble-hearted man, but ambition and love for his wife encourage him to commit criminal acts. His crimes change Macbeth altogether and he is consumed with remorse and after suicide of his life, he is tired to fight and to live but however, although isolated, he has not lost his pride and refuses to surrender and so he dies honourably while fighting. The general Macbeth in this tragedy assumes two personality: at the beginning he is  a victorious man, highly honoured and respected; at the end he is the victim of himself and of his animus. However Lady Macbeth as her husband are the victims of cruel fate made of ambitions and thirst for power.

Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's wife, is an intelligent proud, ambitious woman, who risk everything to help her husband to become king. He is her complement and love and ambition are the ties which unite husband and wife. Lady Macbeth's soliloquy is tense with ambition for Macbeth, when he arrives, she urges to take advantage of the king's visit to their castle. Lady Macbeth is stronger and more cruel than Macbeth and her madness and her remorse to have overcame her in fact she become crazy and kill herself.


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