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Articoli inglese

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, the son of John and Elizabeth Dickens. John Dickens was a clerk in the Naval Pay Office. He had a poor head for finances, and in 1824 found himself imprisoned for debt. His wife
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Danse macabre - Camille SaintS

Danse macabre Camille Saint-Saens Although Saint-Saëns possessed every technical gift a composer could wish for - perfect pitch, virtuosity at the keyboard, innate understanding of the orchestra - he was always keen to learn more.
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INGLESE: T.S. ELIOT - Esercizio 6

INGLESE: T.S. ELIOT Esercizio 6 Is it great writing all the same? No, I don’t think so: there isn’t just one form of beauty and perfection. For this reason each one of us can be an artist because “artist” is a person who is free to c
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ENGLISH RENAISSACE The English Renaissance flourished during the 16th century and it was very different from Italian’ one. In Italy there was a period of great instability, a great explosion of individual expression. In Northern Europe the ref
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JOSEPH CONRAD (1857-1924)

JOSEPH CONRAD (1857-1924) J. Conrad was born in a Polish little town, his father was a landowner and participated in the movement of Polish independence. His family was exiled to northern Russia, and afterward his parent died. In 1874
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On The Road - ethos of the 'Beat' generation

On The Road On The Road is not only a description of the ethos of the 'Beat' generation. It is a wild brawl of a story, as applicable now as was then and will, till the final man falls from the earth and makes his great, sad journey to som
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E-LEARNING  AND  NEW ECONOMY Also known as Stock Market, it is a market where securities (a general term for shares and bonds) are bought and sold that is, a place where companies can raise capital for investment and people can inv
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TESINA INGLESE     APPLICATION JOB   The letter of application is divided in three main paragraphs: -        FIRST: the first of information that is the newspaper or magazine from
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Shakespeare - Shakespeare’s tragedy

Shakespeare  was born  at Stratford in April  1564 is considered a genius in the poetic and literary “field” for his comedy and tragedy. Three important Shakespeare’s tragedy are Richard III, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.All are characterized o
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James Joyce - The life

James Joyce Figura 5: James Joyce The life: One of the best writers who had voiced/expressed the existential crisis of man during the first years of twentieth century is James Joyce. He was born in Dublin in 1882 from John Stanislaus
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REALISM It is the accurate description of an environment, usually the middle class, to analyse it clinically and usually criticises it. A realistic author lets the matter of the book explains itself. He avoids intruding with comments and judge
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William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616): BIOGRAPHY - DATE’S SUMMARY: (About his life)

William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616): BIOGRAPHY etc . Details about William Shakespeare’s life are sketchy, mostly mere surmise based upon court or other clerical records. His parents, John and Mary
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Write a composition about :The metaphor of travelling

Write a composition about :The metaphor of travelling Travel is one of the most present metaphors in the collective imaginary:ed it is the theme  more appreciated for a long time and used in many literary works. Every literary epoch and
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Seamus Heaney - northern-irish writer

Seamus Heaney was born in 1939 in Northern Ireland. The poems of North (like Punishment) appeared in 1965: they were the result of Heaney's meditation on his reading Glob's “The bog people”, dealing with the discovery in peat bogs of the pres
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The Norman conquest - The Plantagenets

The Norman conquest William, duke of Normandy, defeated Harold of Wessex near Hastings in 1066. During his kingdom William had to resist many rebellions. The Norman conquest introduced a centralized form of  feudal system into
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Tess of the d’Urbervilles di Hardy Thomas - Summary

Tess of the d’Urbervilles di Hardy Thomas       The story: Summary OPENING SITUATION: The story begins with the meeting between John Durbeyfield and Parson Tringham, who explained that the man was
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Network Topologies - Bus and Ring

Network Topologies. Bus and Ring The topology of a network is its physical layout. The wai in which the computers and other units are connected. In a bus network, all the devices share in a single cable. Information can be transmitted in
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The golden mushrooms’ lady

The golden mushrooms’ lady To escape the terrible war that had involved also the city where she was born, Marisa Favalli, an Italian young girl, emigrated from Italy to Canada, losing contact with her family. There she met a pleasant fami
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Faustus’ Last Hour and Damnation - Christopher Marlowe Traduzione Letterale

Faustus’ Last Hour and Damnation Christopher Marlowe Traduzione Letterale Faustus’ Last Hour and Damnation L’ultima ora e la dannazione di Faust [The clock st r ikes eleven) [L’orologio batte le undici] Faustus. Ah Faustus
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Pride and prejudice - PLOT

Pride and prejudice I Bennett hanno cinque figlie: Jane (la ragazza piu` carina dei dintorni), Elizabeth (arguta, sensibile e vivace), Mary (studiosa ma pedante), Catherine e Julia (ancora ragazzine, che provano interesse soltanto negli uffic
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