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INGLESE: T.S. ELIOT - Esercizio 6




Is it great writing all the same? No, I don't think so: there isn't just one form of beauty and perfection. For this reason each one of us can be an artist because "artist" is a person who is free to create what 929h74j he/she likes and what he/she hides inside in his/her heart, in his/her soul and in his/her mind. Eliot's writing is great because he is real, direct, and a bit pessimistic: he didn't describe perfect people in a perfect place, but he imaged situations that are closer to the real world than a normal love poem can be. He was cynical but he didn't want to build surrealistic thought: he didn't live in dreams world and even if he was pessimistic, he preferred realism. In some way I think that Eliot is more original than lots of poets of the past, which talk about the traditional love: he talked about something new and in a different way. He wanted to express how he saw existence and his ideas about it; I suppose that he desired to show that life is not always love, good and flowers: he reminds us that in the world there are people that suffer and live a not easy life. We have to enjoy what we have and try to do the best not just for us, but also for the other. Obviously this is the message I got, anyway his way of writing is sad, melancholic, desolating, but it's true, and this is the great thing that makes his writing great.


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Hits: 1977
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