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The golden mushrooms' lady


The golden mushrooms' lady

To escape the terrible war that had involved also the city where she was born, Marisa Favalli, an Italian young girl, emigrated from Italy to Canada, losing contact with her family. There she met a pleasant family, composed of father, mother and a son, James.  As time passed, James fell in love with Marisa and soon 343j99d they married. From their marriage, were born two twin brothers, Mark and Paul. The house where Marisa and James had lived until then was too small for four people, so they began to look for a new accommodation. Finally, they bought an old farmstead, at the edges of the forest and Mark and Paul grew up there.

One morning, the two boys went into the forest to pick some mushrooms for lunch. During the walk, under a bush, they saw some mushrooms of a characteristic yellow-gold colour. The boys thought the mushrooms were poisonous, so they did not touch them and they continued along the road.

When they returned home, they told their parents about the strange colour mushrooms; James told them an old popular legend and according to it, in a simple little cottage in the forest, there was an old lady, known as "the golden mushrooms lady", who lived alone with her mushrooms.

Mark and Paul began to daydream about this mysterious lady and, the next day, they returned into the forest to look for those mushrooms. After two hours' walk, they found a clearing that they had never seen before. Here, surrounded by a lot of mushrooms, there was a simple little cottage. The two boys were as much curious as frightened, so they decided to return home and speak with their parents.

A week later, the family went into the forest and, led by the boys, arrived at the clearing of the mysterious small house. This time the mistress of the house was watering her mushrooms. After a short talk, the family decided that they wanted to know the woman, so the while family went up to her to introduce themselves. "Good morning" said Marisa "We live near your house, and we'd like to know you. My name's Marisa Favalli and these are James, Mark and Paul, my husband and my two sons" as soon as Marisa said her name, the woman's eyes lit up with a strange light.

Marisa thought she had said something strange and she asked her "Are you ok?", but the lady answered " sto benissimo tesoro. Sono Caterina Rinaldi, tua madre!"


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