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Mr and Mrs Foster lived on east sixty - second street. They lived in a large six - story house with 4 servants. If the servants didn't stay there, the house would be a gloomy place. Mrs Foster had a little problem, she had a patological fear of missing trains, plans, boats. She was te 737i84h rrified at the idea of being late on such occasions that thought would make her nervus muscle appeard in the corner of her left eye. Her husband, Mr Foster, was a man nearly seventy years old. When his wife had this problem, he might be irritated by her foolishness. So he could purposely tortured her.

One day Mrs foster decided to visit her daughter living in Paris. Mrs Foster was very happpy to visit her daughter in Paris since he had never done it before but she had always langed for it. Mr Foster had told her he wanted let her go to Paris if she ablel to catch the plane on time.

So, the next day saw her off to the airport even thought their trip was deloyed by the fog. Once arrived she realized that her plane had put off to the next day. She decided to stay there all day and before evening she called her husband and explained him that her plane had been postponed, she asked him to come and let on her. In the end, Mr Foster sent his chauffer to the airport and Mrs foster was ...... home. The day after they got up early and prepared to go to the airport. When they were on the point of leaving, Mr Foster realized that he had forgotten his gift for the daughter and so first started searching it in the car and after he went into the study to look for it. ........ Mrs Foster found the gift in the car. She was worried to miss the plane and so ........... Wait for her husband and told the chauffeur to ..... to the airport. She arrived on time and finally arrived in Paris, she stayed there for 6 weeks. Every Tuesday she wrote a letter to her husband. In Paris, Mrs Foster had a good time, enjojed her daughter and children's presence and gave theme many gifts. Finally, Mrs Foster said goodbye to her daughter and went back home to New York. When she arrived to the airport, nobody was waiting for her and so she was forced to call a taxi. When she came home nobody opened the door and so she had to use her keys and opened the door herself. When she entered, she saw that all het letters were scattered on the floor after they had been slid into the door letter box. There was no light on, and a curious smell and she realized that the lift was blocked between the 2nd and tr floor. So she calle dan operator to repair it.


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