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The story is the description of the narrator's Christmas. Probably there will be a strange meeting as we can understand by the title. The narrator is alone in her furnished room. It's the first time she has 818d37i spent Christmas alone, as we can see in line 1 and she recollects all the many Christmases of her life, from the childhood since the her Christmas as a grown up person.

She feels lonely but at the same time, that gives her a feeling of companionship with all the other people who are spending Christmas alone and this is from line 13 to 14. In line 5 she tells us about his childish Christmas with her relations. She describes the objects: a tree in the window, sixpences in the pudding, and the delicious, crinkly stocking.

Then, in line 6, she tells us about her adolescent Christmas with her parents. There was the war and the bitter cold, and letters from abroad.

As we can see in line 8, she recollects her first Christmas as a growing person with lover. She describes the nature: the snow and the enchantment, the white grounds and the stars diamond bright in a black sky. She tells us about the walk in the dark before midnight. After these Christmases, the narrator's life has changed and now she's spending her first Christmas alone. I think she is about fifty. I think she is unhappy. As we can see in line 13, this first Christmas alone gives her a feeling of companionship with all the other people who are spending Christmas alone. In my opinion, in this first part confusion and solitude are predominant. As we can see in line 2, it gives her an uncanny feeling. In line 3 she says us that it's a drowning feeling. She feels solitude and the past coming back in a mad confusion. May be she spends her Christmas with one of the millions of other people who are alone, too. This is in line 14.


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