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letteratura inglese


Antonio, the merchant of Venice, talks with his friend Bassanio who asks him to borrow money so he can travel to Belmont to woo the lady Portia. Antonio, being the gracious friend he is, grants his wish. But, all of Antonio's possessions are at sea, he lets Bassanio raise money on Antonio's credit.


We are now introduced to Portia, a beautiful woman with a big inheritance, and her waiting-woman, Nerissa. Portia is quite frustrated with her search for a husband, and has met only derelicts so far. 333g63d They go on to discuss the faults of all the turned away suitors. We also gain a glimpse of the test Portia's late father devised for her to gain a suitable mate.The scene ends with news that the Prince of Morocco will come to try and win her hand.


This scene takes place with Antonio, Bassanio, and a Jewish moneylender called Shylock. Bassanio asks for the money, and is received, but Shylock imposes a few stipulations. Due to Shylock's hate towards Christians, he feels the need to take advantage of the situation. Shylock adds to their contract that if the debt cannot be repaid on time, Shylock is entitled to a pound of Antonio's flesh. Bassanio doesn't want his friend to agree to such a deal, but Antonio has confidence in his trading expeditions so he signs the contract.

Portia, with the Prince of Morocco, explains that if he cannot pass her dead father's test he must never again attempt to gain her favor again. He agrees, cocky in his confidence to pass the test.


Lancelet, near the entrance to Shylock's house, meets an old blind man. He turns out to be Lancelet's father, set to find his son. Lancelot is unhappy with his job as Shylock's servant, so they ask Bassanio to be his master. Bassanio agrees. Gratiano also wishes to come to Belmont with Bassanio, but lacks the social skills to have a civilized conversation. Bassanio agrees to let him come only if he can behave as a gentleman.


Jessica says goodbye to Lancelet, her friend and servant. She wishes him luck and asks him to deliver a letter to Lorenzo, a friend of Bassaino's. Alone, she tells of her love for Lorenzo.


Lorenzo, Gratiano, Salarino, and Solanio try to organize a dinner for Bassanio, but Lancelet brings Jessica's letter. Jessica plans to steal her father and escape with Lorenzo. To do this, she will dress as a page.


Lancelet brings Shylock an invitation to Bassanio's dinner, made to get Shylock out of his house. Shylock hates Bassanio, but accepts anyway. Lorenzo also manages to tell Jessica that Lorenzo has received the news and will meet her at their house that night.


Lorenzo, Gratiano, and Salarino wait outside Shylock's house for Jessica. She throws down money and jewels and goes to her man dressed as a man. Anyway, Antonio arrives with the news that Bassanio will soon depart for Belmont.


Portia, in Belmont, shows the Prince of Morocco the test which a man must pass in order to be her husband. There are three boxes, one gold, one silver, and the other lead. On each, there is a description telling why someone would pick that box. The gold promises to realise the desires of many men. The silver promises to give what a man deserves. The lead one says that a man must hazard all that he has. Inside one of the boxes, there is a picture of Portia. the prince is a little greedy, he wrongly chooses the gold one. He leaves Portia as a loser.


In this scene, Solanio and Salarino discuss a few items worthy of notice. Shylock is furious at the escape of Jessica, and for the riches she stole. News also arrived about a ship that sunk in the English Channel presumable one of Antonio's.


At Belmont, Portia entertains the Prince of Arragon. He is wiser than the last suitor, but still not worthy for Portia. He chooses the silver chest, and is rejected. Portia then receives word that another suitor is approaching fast. She and Nerissa hope that is Bassanio.

Venice learns that the sunken ship was Antonio's. Shylock, furious at news of Jessica selling Shylock's riches, says that he would have his riches back than her alive.He says he intends to collect his bond if Antonio can't pay. Hearing that Antonio's ship was sunk, has Antonio arrested.


Worried that Bassanio will choose incorrectly, Portia asks him not to choose at the time. Eager to know the destiny of his life, he chooses. He makes the right choice and all are overjoyed at the union, especially their close friends. Gratiano and Nerissa have met in the meantime and fallen in love and wish to be married with Bassanio and Portia. The ladies give their rings, and make Bassanio un Gratiano swear to treasure them forever as symbols of their love. Salarino, Lorenzo, and Jessica arrive with news from Venice. Shylock plans to take his bond, and so Antonio needs their help. Portia says she will pay the bond for Bassanio's friend . Bassanio and Gratiano will return to Venice after their weddings to save their friend.


Antonio finds Shylock to try and plead for his life, but the greedy man won't budge. Antonio turns himself in on the stipulation that Bassanio will be there to see the trial.


Portia leaves her house in the hands of Lorenzo and Jessica, telling them that her and Nerissa will be going to a convent to pray until their husbands come back. Instead, Portia and Nerissa plot to go to Venice disguised as men. They send word to a lawyer to help Antonio.


Jessica, Lorenzo, and a friend, joke about the events. The friend is Shylock's former servant, Lancelet, who has found a nice place as a jester.

Bassanio offers Shylock money for Antonio's bond, but he rejects it. Portia, arriving at the trial with a letter of introduction, she is dressed as a lawyer. She determines that the bond entitles Shylock to a pound of flesh, but not a drop of blood. Shylock is found guilty of trying to kill another man. The duke makes him forfeit his riches, and Shylock leaves change of the service they offer to the lawyer a sum of money, but she would have wanted the ring instead. Bassanio refuses to give it, so she leaves insulted. Feeling guilty that the man who saved Antonio's life left empty-handed, he gives Gratiano the ring to give to the lawyer.


Gratiano gives Portia the ring of Bassanio but also Nerissa plans to get her husbands ring.


Lorenzo, Jessica, Lancelet, and Stephano welcome Portia and Nerissa home from their 'retreat'. Shortly after their arrival, everyone else in Venice returns to Belmont. Portia and Nerissa discover that their husbands have given away their rings. They take the act as an insult, and say that only those men who have the rings may share the ladies' beds. Bassanio and Gratiano plead for mercy, but also Antonio explain the situation to make Portia and Nerissa forgive them. The ladies then show the rings, and give them back to their husbands. All is then revealed that Portia posed as the lawyer and Nerissa as the clerk. They also tell that three of Antonio's ships have returned to port successfully, and that Lorenzo will receive Shylock's riches.


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Hits: 1935
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