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The expansion of Great Britain and its Empire in the 19th century produced a reaction to the dominance of Greek and Roman architecture.

Pugin saw Gothic not merely as a style, 414f52e but as the one true English architecture and led the way to the Gothic revival.

The new houses of Parliament,built in the 1835,combined a formal neo-classical plan with gothic revival façades.

Engineers replaced architects as inventors of imaginative structures.

One of the best known engineering structures of the century was the Crystal Palace designed by Paxton to house the Great Exhibition of 1851 and to display products of Britain and the Empire.

The palace was designed by Paxton in only ten days and it was a huge iron Goliah with over a million feet of glass.

After the Great Exhibition closed,the Crystal Palace was moved to the south of London and reconstructed.

It was open by queen Victoria in 1854.

It was destroyed by fire on November the 30th in 1936,for which,the area lost much of its focus and began to decline.


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