The real name of Gorge Orwell was Eric
Blair. He was born in
When he finished school he passed the
examination for the
In 1936 he went to
His last work is "1984". It was published in 1949 and George Orwell died of tuberculosis the following year. In his works he insisted on tolerance and justice in human relationship.
set in a grotesque and squallid
Everything was subordinated to the State, such as the slogans, the posters proclaiming "the big brother is watching you", the telescreen in each room, the perpetual state of war and so on. The language of the people was very simple and limited; in this conditions was impossible to express their own ideas. The protagonist is Winston Smith and is the last man who believe in human value in a totalitarian age. He's a middle-age and physical weak and feel a desire of moral and spiritual integrity. He work at Ministry of Truth where he alters the record of the past to fit current Party policy.
In the first 2 parts of the novel is likely that the protagonist and the narrator are the same person and there is Orwell's views.
Orwell combined various genres and style in an original way. The tone of the novel became violent and pessimistic when he describe Winston final defeat. The novels reveals Orwell's high sense of history and his sympathy for the million of people murdered in the name of totalitarian ideology.
Charles Dickens was born in Porthsmouth in 1812 and is one of the most popular english writer.
"Hard Times" is his best-known novel where he describe the situation in which he lived, full of the problems of industrial revolution. In his works he doesn't condemns the progress, but the narrow-mindedness of fanatic suppoter of Utilitarism both in mills and schools where the children were prived of their individual world of feelings and fantasy.
Dicken's view is not a pessimistic one; he only thing that situation can be better if not by institution still unpreparated to control the changed of a country.
The demend of writing novels in instalments created an irresistible pressure on Dickens to conform him to public taste.
Dickens was aware of the spiritual and material corruption of present-day reality under the impact of industrialism; the result was an increasingly critical attitude towards his society and in his works he tried to draw the popular attention to public abuses.
Childrens are the most important characters in his novels.
He was born in
Than he left
the final years of his life he went to
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