John Milton
Was born in
Is a religious epic poem. The epic is a very ancient form of
poetry, originating in an age before writing, like Odyssey, Iliad and Bewulf. Paradise lost takes place in the universe: in
Heaven, Hell and
Satan has many of the characteristics of the epic
hero: leadership, initiative, courage.
The style of this poem is elevated and magnificent; the poet use the blank verse and is rich of Latin expression. The diction is very far from common speech.
He want to tell the
story of man's fall, then he begins the story of the rebel angels, hurled into
hell, as a consequence of their defeat in the war in heaven. In book II they
meet in council to decide what is to be done. In book III the scene switches to
Heaven, where god delivres a homily on man's freedom
to choose between good and evil. At the end the Son offers himself as the
ransom for mankind and God accepts his sacrifice. in
book IV Satan observe the happiness of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. In
book V god sends Raphael to alert Adam to the situation. Book
VI deals with the war in the Heaven. Books VII and VIII provide a
narration of the creation of the Earth and the universe. In book IX Satan
succeeds in persuading Eve to taste the forbidden fruit, and Adam eats it too.
In book X the son comes down to
Satan's speech
Is a monologue of Satan about hell, and he
describes it. Satan fell himself powerfull as god
because is the head of a reign. Satan was a rebel angel who had been throught out from paradise. There are
alliteration, repetition to underline the conceits.
-the eternity of tortures, Faustus, while in
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