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"The lake isle of innisfree"


"The lake isle of innisfree"

This poem was published in 1890 and reflects Yeats's love of the Irish countryside. This componiment expresses completily desire to live in Ireland, where he can live alone in a great peace, building a small cabin of clay and wattles. He want to 111d33b hear lake water lappino whit low sounds by the shores. All these desires comes from the deep hesrt's core. The only references to the town are on the last but one line, where he says he stand on the roadway, or on the pavement grey, the other scenes regards the nature. In this poem the autor is overcome by nostalgia for the simple and quiet life of rural Ireland. The language is elaborated, but there is a keen observation of the colours and noises of midnight and noon, the movement of nature, such as the song of the cricket, the glimmer and purple glow of evoked through auditive rather than visual devices. Yeats seems to "feel"  the nature's songs inside himself. The poem is dreamy and nostalgic, and it's an example of romantic escape poem.

For my opinion the simple imagery of the quiet life the speaker longs to lead, as he enumerates each of its qualities, lulls the reader into his idyllic fantasy, until the penultimate line jolts the speaker--and the reader--back into the reality of his drab urban existence. He want to evade from a stressful socity.I think The Lake Isle of Innisfree is saying that he wants to go to Innisfree to find inner peace with himself as if there is some type of cleansing going on. Also the describted colors of the evening and day skies touch deep into the soul and take with them all that alils the victim.


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