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Articoli letteratura inglese

Fragment I - The General Prologue

Fragment I The General Prologue: As April comes, the narrator begins a pilgrimage to Canterbury from the Tabard Inn at Southwerk. Twenty-nine people make the pilgrimage toward Canterbury and the narrator describes them in turn. The p
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GREAT BRITAIN SCHOOLS AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS English schools British children must go to school between the ages of 5 and 16, although* some parents choose to educate their children at home. Currently, the compulsor
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OSCAR WILDE Oscar Fingal O Flahertie Wills Wilde nacque a Dublino il 16 ottobre 1854. Il padre, Sir William, era un oculista di fama europea (curò anche re Oscar I primo di Svezia, che fu per procura il padrino di Wilde), nonchè antiquario;
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Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) - Life

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) Life ·        Born in Devonshire and he was the son of a clergyman. ·        In 1782 after his father’s death he entered in
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ANGLO-SAXON POETRY (pag.54) It is divided into Pagan poetry and Christian poetry. Pagan poetry was produced by Scops and handed down orally. It is heroic in spirit and sad in tone because it showed the difficult way of living of those people. W
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COLERIDGE - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

COLERIDGE The Rime of the Ancient Mariner The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a poem written by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1797-1798 and published in the first edition of Lyrical Ballads (1798). It is the longest major poem th
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LETTERATURA INGLESE IL SETTECENTO L’ETA’ AUGUSTEA L’introduzione di una monarchia costituzionale in seguito alla rivoluzione del 1688 ed il Toleration Act del 1689 che mise fine alle guerre di religione furono la premessa di un p
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L albero genealogico

Signora Linton   Signor Earnshaw   Signor Linton  
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JOHN MILTON (1608-1674) - The Italian influence

  JOHN MILTON (1608-1674) The Italian influence Milton was born to a well-to-do Protestant family in London. He was brought up in a World still dominated by the Renaissance and the Reformation. He went to St Paul’s School in Londo
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Elizabeth Browning (1806-1861) - Robert Browning (1812-1889) POESIA VITTORIANA

Elizabeth Browning (1806-1861) Robert Browning (1812-1889) POESIA VITTORIANA. Squilibrio tra i GENDER (testimoniato dal semplice fatto che nell’antologia le scrittrici donne sono molto meno). Mancava emancipazione, la donna era
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COSA SUCCEDE NEL PERIODO DI MILTON? Il periodo elisabettiano è stato un periodo avventuroso dal punto di vista letterario. Ora con i puritani siamo nell’epoca del calvinismo e quindi sia la prosa che poesia sono influenzate da esso. Abb
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THE     PICTURE OF DORIAN    GRAY AUTHOR: Oscar Wilde NOTES OF THE AUTHOR: Oscar Wilde borned in Dublin in 1854. When he went to Oxford to study, he was influenced to aesthetics ideas of Ruskin and Peter. In
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The romantic age (1798-1832) The romantic age is an important period in the literary, philosophical and political history of Europe, a period that goes from the end of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century (a period of
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THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT Eliot fu uno dei più grandi letterari dell’età moderna inglese,nonché uno dei più esperti critici letterari della storia. Tra le sue opere più importanti figurano “Il canto d’amore” composto tra il 1910 e il 1911 e la
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Beowulf - Lord Randal

۩ Beowulf It is an epic poem and it is considered the first specimen of English literature. . It was written by an anonymous author. The text of the poem has come down to us in a late 10 th-century. The poem however must have been c
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A FOOTPRINT  Una mattina, verso mezzogiorno, mentre mi avviavo verso la barca, con mia enorme sorpresa vidi nitidissima, impressa nella sabbia della spiaggia, l orma di un piede umano scalzo. Rimasi immobile, fulminato come se avessi vist
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The theatre

The theatre It was the Romans who first introduced theatre in Britain, during their occupation, building amphitheatres in which to represent their plays. Theatre was an important element of their social life and for this reason Romans exported
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THE MODERNISM   The year 1910 seems to mark a divided line in the history of the novel. The years following 1910 were characterized by an actual revolution in English literature, which some critics have later labelled with the general d
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Pasqua 1916

Pasqua 1916 Li ho incontrati al cadere del giorno Mentre ritornavano animati in viso Da banchi di negozi o scrittoi tra grigie Case del diciottesimo secolo. Sono passato con un cenno del capo O cortesi parole senza senso, O mi sono s
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RESTORATION PERIOD 1660 starts the restoration period with the return with the return of of Charles the II (that was a Stuart king) from exile. 1640 – 1660 Commonwealth. Oliver Cromwell hated the monarchy. (See Steven Fries film “the queen”
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