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letteratura inglese


Robert Browning is the great exponent to the Victorian poetry and he was deeply interested in the working of the human mind. He is particularly associated with the dramatic monologue. The dramatic monologue has some 151e46b characteristics: an individual, who is not the poet, 'speaks' the poem in a specific situation at a critical moment. He addresses with someone else and the main effect is the unintentional revelation of his true character. He called objective his poems because they are opposed by the objective lyrics of the Romantics. His stories are told by an actor and not by the poet.  His style is colloquial and he tends to reproduce the spoken speech.

Robert Browning's great works are 'The Ring and the Book' and 'Dramatic Romances and Lyrics'. The extract we can read is 'A heart. too soon made glad', which belongs to the 'My Last Duchess'.  The setting is the castle of the Duke of Ferrara, Alfonso II D'Este and he spoke about his forst wife, who he killed after 3 years of marriage (1561). His wife's name is Lucrezia and the monologue is written in the 1843.

The Duke spoke about a portrait in the wall to an envoy sent to arrange the details of a second marriage with the Count's daughter. He reveals that he killed his wife because he was jealous and his wife thanked men for their worthless gifts and she didn't thank him at the same.


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