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"Eveline" is one of the fifteen  short stories of the first great work of James Joyce: "Dubliners".

Eveline is sitting at the window and her mind flows towards her past and actual life. She thinks to her games, when she was a child, of the death of her mother and her brother Harry, of t 737b14h he growthing violence of her father. In the end she thinks of her fiancè: Frank, and she is charmed by his strenght and generosity. Here we can observe that the time of the story isn't a cronologichal time and the feelings aren't presented in their logical sequence.

There is neither time nor plot in Eveline's reflection. This way of narrating is known as the "stream of  consciousness tecnique", first introduced by Stern and widely used by Joyce.

Eveline is in the centre of a struggle, between the nostalgia of her everyday life, her family, her roots and her city: Dublin and the hope for a better life with Frank in Buenos Aires.

She highlights a step to adulthood, which is one of the favourite themes of the writer.

In his works, he describes the changes of identity during the different ages of life: youth, adolescence, maturity and adulthood.

Eveline is a normal girl and she summarizes all the features Joyce wanted to tribute to Dublin population: the lack of enterprise and a sense of resignation. In fact Eveline's fear will prevail and she won't join Frank in his journey.

Maybe Joyce, just like Eveline, had a psichological struggle, when he decided to move from Dublin. On the one hand he hated the bigoted, narrow-minded and stark reality. But, on the other hand, he loved his city, its contraddictions, its musical cultutre, its coloured atmosphere; in fact all his works are set in Dublin.

Moreover Dublin has a personal value for Joyce, but it also represents all the city of the world and so Eveline's inner conflict is the personal struggle of everyone.


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