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W. is interested not in the natural world but in the relationship between the natural world and the men; in fact one of the most consistent concepts in W. is the idea that man and nature are inseparable; man is an active participant in the natural world, so nature is 929h76j considered by the author as a guide to the spiritual and moral life of man.

W. describes the forms, shapes and colours of natural objects, but above all, he speaks about the inner force that permeates the natural world. This force allows to the man to have a development in the molar sphere and in the religious sphere too; the development of the mind correspond to the three ages of the man: childhood, youth and adulthood; in fact W. was most interested in the growth of his relationship with nature. During childhood the relationship between man and nature is  characterised by joy and rapture of senses for the child in front of nature; in the youth the relationship with nature is founded on a physical experience associated with a little bit of rationality; in the adulthood there is a moral intensity too, because adult experience is mediated through mind and no more tough senses and instincts.

W. thinks that childhood is the most important stage in man's life, because the child's emotions are retained in the memory: memory is the major force in the process of growth and it is essential for poetic creation too, because for W. the poetry is an "emotion recollected in tranquillity", so the poet have the emotions and the feelings (in front of nature), than he remembers his emotions (there is the recollection of the emotions) and, at the end, he writes the poem.

In the preface of his collection of poems W. speaks about poetry and the function of the author: the author's aim is to choose incidents and events from common life and to make them interesting through imagination , in fact the subject of the poetry is low and rustic life with essential passion and elementary feelings. The language of the poetry is the language used by common men though purified from its defects. Contemporary poets are separated from the sympathies of men and express themselves arbitrarily, so, compared with common men, the poets have greater sensibility, enthusiasm, tenderness, knowledge and a more comprehensive soul. Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and is originated from an emotion recollected in tranquillity. The function of the poet is to give pleasure to the reader.


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