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The first act begins while a lady and her daughter in evening dress were peering out gloomily at the rain, they were waiting for Freddy who had gone to find a cab. Suddenly he rushed in out of the rain from Southampton Street side, and came between them closing a dripping umbrella. The daughter of the lady tried to force him to go out into the rain to find a taxi even if it was impossible. Since he was in hurry he crashed with a common flower girl, making fall her basket. Then a military gentlemen entered from the rain and the flower girl tried to sell a flower to him but he refused it. A bystander decided to advice the girl to be careful because there 838b11i was a police informer who was writing all what she had done and said. The reaction of the flower girl was hysterical, she said that she was only a poor and honest girl, believing he was a cop. The man showed the ability to determinate where a person came from, listening to his accent. He bet with the gentleman that he could have made a duchess out of the flower girl, moreover he found that the gentleman was Colonel Pickering, a famous scholar of Indian dialects who had come to meet him. They decided to go for a supper.


Excited from the idea of the bet of Mr Higgins, Eliza Doolittle showed up at the door of his laboratory to take lessons from him, so that she could  look able to work in a flower shop at the corner of Tottenham Court Road. Higgins began making fun of her, but he was very excited by the idea of working on her. Pickering was very kind with the flower girl, he didn't think it was possible what Higgins wanted to do, so he bets him that he wouldn't have managed to pass Eliza off as a duchess at the Ambassador's garden party. Then Higgins decided that Eliza would have lived with him for six months, and that he would have taught her to be a lady, so, mrs Pearce, the housekeeper takes upstairs for a bath. Then Alfred Doolittle, Eliza's flower, showed up at the door of Higgins to ask information about the return of his daughter, but his real intention was to persuade Higgins to give him some money. He gave it five pounds, and when he saw his daughter, clean and dressed as a lady, he confessed that he didn't manage to recognize her.


It was Mrs. Higgins' at-home day and she was not very happy when  he saw Henry Higgins showing up suddenly because she knew he wasn't able to behave oneself when he was in front of a sort of respectable company she was expecting: Mrs Hill with Freddy and Clara (the same of the first scene.). Eliza managed to cut a fine figure with her studied grace, her only topic were the health and the weather. Everything promises to go well until Eliza, in her excitement, spoke about the alcoholism of his father. Freddy remained very struck by Eliza, he was infatuated with her. Then Mrs Higgins scolded Henry saying that Eliza wouldn't have never been presentable as long as she would have lived with him. The second scene takes place some days later at ambassador's party, where Eliza managed to pass a duchess. An old student of Higgins who knew more than 32 language said to be sure that Eliza spoke English so perfectly not to be English, thinking of her as a princess. Higgins had won the bet.


It was a summer night, Higgins, Pickering and Liza had came back at the Wimpole Street laboratory, they were really very tired because in these last days they had accumulated a lot of strain. Higgins asked himself where his slippers were, Liza went upstairs to take them but he didn't realize it. While she was entering the room she listened Higgins defining the whole succession an incredible nightmare, Liza was very angry so that hit Higgins with the slippers, they began to quarrel, Higgins said that he was sure that nobody had behaved badly to her, he didn't realize that Liza thought to have been used; at the end she decided to leave the house at once. When she came out she met Freddy who was waiting for her, he told her that every night came there to feel nearer to her, then he kissed her. They were interrupted by two cops so that they decided to take a taxi for all the night and to come back the morning later.


The next day Higgins and Pickering went to mrs Higgins' home since they were very worried that Eliza had left the house. Suddenly Alfred Doolittle entered the door and reproached Higgins to have deprived him of happiness, in fact he had written a letter to a famous millionaire recommending Doolittle as a original moralist so that in his will left Doolittle a share in his trust. Then Eliza went downstairs she tried do behave civilly, she expresses her gratitude to the colonel and said that she had learnt good manners from him even if she had lived for six months with Mr Higgins. Her father said that he was so dressed because he was on the way to get married to his woman. Eliza didn't show to be very happy of it and continued to quarrel with Higgins who asserted that he had never treated anyone else differently. She said that she would have gone to work with his rival, Mr Nepommuck, suddenly Higgins began to admire her but was very angry, then Eliza went to his father's wedding.


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