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King Henry


Born: 28 June 1491 - Greenwich Palace

Father: King Henry VII

Mother: Elizabeth of York


Died: 28 January 1547

- Born, Greenwich, 28 June, second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.

- Death of Henry VII - Henry VIII becomes Ki 858h76i ng aged 17

- Marries Catherine of Aragon, daughter of the King and Queen of Spain and Arthur's widow. 8 children but only one survived infancy, Mary (later Mary I).

- Great tournament ground built at Greenwich by King Henry VIII

- The Pope and the kings of England, France, and Spain, pledge peace in Europe. - Ordinance depot (later Royal Arsenal) established at Woolwich

- Henry holds peace talks with Francis I of France at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

- Henry marries Anne Boleyn, secretly; Princess Elizabeth (later Elizabeth I) is born later that year. Henry is excommunicated by the Pope.

- The Act of Supremacy is passed, establishing Henry as head of the Church of England.

- Sir Thomas More is executed after refusing to accept Henry as supreme head of the Church of England.

- After the birth of Elizabeth, Henry grew tired of Anne after a miscarriage and two still-births. Anne Boleyn is executed for high treason and Henry marries Jane Seymour.

- Act of Union between Wales and England.

- Henry marries and divorces Anne of Cleves. It was an arranged marriage and Henry was not happy with Anne's appearance.

- Henry marries Catherine Howard, his fifth wife.

- After Henry discovered Catherine as having been unfaithful, she is executed for treason.

- Henry marries Catherine Parr, his sixth wife.

- Edward VI became King of England on death of Henry VII


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Hits: 1813
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