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George I, George II and George III


George I, George II and George III were the three king of 18th century. The most important of the three was George III, which he didn't have a good report with the American colonies. The colonists had not represented in parliament and they were constrained to purchase only English commodities and to pay strong dues 616d31g . A serious of events, like the Boston tea party (the colonists threw the boxes of tea in the Ocean), did burst the American revolution. In 1776 the colonists declare their freedom, after the victory on the English, and Thomas Jefferson writes the constitution. The first president was George Washington, the second Thomas Jefferson.

England pass from a merchant economy to an industrial economy, thanks to the development of the technologies and of small industries. In past the farmers had a double work : the day they worked, the evening weaved. Now, instead, the farmer left his second work to the machinery (Jenny). The most important discovery was the steam engine of James Watt. This discovery replaces the mill, the motor of old industries, that used the water's power. The industries pass from the shores of the rivers to the coal's mines (first subject up to the discovery of the electricity). It begin the phenomenon of the urbanization, in as the machinery removes the work in the fields to the farmers and the landed masters fence their fields, exploiting the earth to the maximum. The farmers, that don't have more their small strip of earth, they begin to emigrate in the big city, living in slums (first divisions in social classes).

In second half of 18th century, the sentimental story replaces that characteristic (new aesthetics that    to the classicism). Before the authors imitated Greeks and Latins; now it is preferred simplify. The writers come advised of the 'cause they distinguish themselves from the others. The theme of the reason is

, now, to that of the feeling. There is a return to the nationalism ( in the middle age ballads came exposed the appearances of the English culture). And the nature comes advised a live and moral force, devastating


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