Chapter - Printing data to the screen
Chapter - Input from the user into the program
Chapter - Cumulative review, comments, END
Chapter - Basic IF-THEN-ELSE statements
Chapter - SELECT CASE (similar to IF)
Chapter - FOR loops
Chapter - DO loops, WHILE loops
Chapter 10 - More on IF-THEN-ELSE
Chapter 11 - CONST, TYPE, intro to DIM
Chapter 12 - DIM, single dimension arrays
Chapter 13 - Doing basic math
Chapter 14 - Simple sounds: BEEP, SOUND,
PLAY Chapter 15 - More to do with strings
Chapter 16 - More on math: ABS, COS, SIN, etc Chapter 17 - Do it yourself: input from the keyboard Chapter 18 - Keyboard continued: arrow keys Chapter 19 - Intro to files: APPEND, OUTPUT, PRINT Chapter 20 - Reading files: INPUT, LINE INPUT, EOF Chapter 21 - Binary files: GET, PUT, BINARY Chapter 22 - More great stuff with strings
Chapter 23 - Intro to graphics Chapter 24 - Drawing primitives APPENDIX
Tricks of the trade
Variables defined
Common algorithms
QBASIC --- Introduction -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----------------- QBasic is a "simple" language that's been around for many years. The
most popular implementations of BASIC dialects for DOS (as far as I
know) would be QBasic 1.1 and QuickBASIC 4.5. However, there are many
other dialects of BASIC. (By the term "dialects" I am referring to
different versions and types of BASIC. These include PowerBASIC, (has
almost identical QB syntax, plus some extras), FirstBASIC (a stripped
down version of PowerBASIC), VBDOS (Visual Basic for DOS, created by
Microsoft), Visual Basic (Windows versions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) also by
Microsoft, XBasic, ASIC, Moonrock, Chipmunk (Mac), TrueBASIC (Mac, I
think..), BASM286, and more.
You can download QBasic 1.1 for free from my site at:
The other popular version of QBasic is QuickBASIC 4.5, which is not
free like it's cousin version 1.1.
--- Overview -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------- QBasic is great for whipping up programs on the fly. It has a great
IDE (the interface you use to create programs), great syntax checking
tells you what's wrong, more or less), and is very flexible. Of
course, the more complex that you make program, the more complex your
code gets, and the resources available to QBasic might not be as
plentiful as they once were. That's one of the major downsides to
QBasic: memory and speed. Unless you make your own routines in ASM
or QBasic to tap into the rest of the system's memory, you are
limited to 640k of data and code space.
Also, largely due to the fact that QBasic is so flexible, you
sacifrice speed of the program in general. That's why a program in
QBasic and
it's equivalent compiled under C are likely to have such
differing speeds.
--- Making a program -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------------- To make a program in QBasic, first open up QBasic. Most of us can
type in "qbasic" or "qb" at the prompt in order to load the program.
Some of us might do something different. As long as you load the
program, it's all fine.
Upon loading qbasic.exe or qb.exe or whatever version you have,
you'll see an editing screen and some menus. The screen is blank and
ready for us to type things in. With the file menu, we can make a new
program, open one, save one, quit, and do a few other things.
In QBasic, as with just about every other computer language on the
planet, you type things in to make things happen. By working with
parts of the system, variables, code, and code that performs actions,
you make a program. Let's examine a classic "hello world" program.
PRINT "hello world!"
Type those three lines into QBasic, then save your program as
hello.bas. If we want to run the program and see what happens, you
can press F5 or goto the Run menu and click on Start.
What should have happened is this: the screen cleared (to a blank
black text screen), the message "hello world!" (
with no quotes) was
printed, and then the program ended.
If you look at the program, you can see how the lines correspond to
what happened:
CLS cleared the screen (CLearScreen)
PRINT printed out the text in the quotes
END ended the program (sidenote: END was not needed because
the program was out of things to do and would have ended
normally, however, we explicitly told it to end the program
which is a good programming habit)
If you save the program as hello.bas, you can come back to it later
and open it up and resume work on it.
CHAPTERS --- Chapter 1 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ Well, with all the introduction out of the way, let's get into coding
and make an awesome 3d shootemup like Quake! Oh wait, not quite.
Heh. First you must understand the language. The main aspects of coding
are variables, program flow, and the system.
VARIABLES are names that you use to store values. Such as if
you were playing a game like Quake, you might have a name for
the character, which needs to be stored in a variable. You
would also store numbers such as your health, armor, and time
elapsed in the game. QBasic has several specific
variable types to choose from. The most common are integers and
strings. (For more info on variables, see the Variables
section in the appendix).
PROGRAM FLOW determines what the order of execution of
statements in your program is. For instance, in a simple
database program where the program asks the user if he/she
has any fruit, you would take different courses based on
whether the response was yes or no. If the answer was yes,
you might go on to ask what type of fruit it was and how many
there were. If it was no, then you don't need to ask what it
is or how many there are. Example:
INPUT "Do you have any fruit (y/n):
", Prompt$
IF Prompt$ = "y" THEN
INPUT "How many do you have:
", HowMany%
PRINT "You have no fruit!"
If you don't totally understand the code, don't worry. You
THE SYSTEM is everything dealing with files (data resources)
the screen mode (graphics, text, or whatever), and associated
things that aren't code nor variables.
--- Chapter 2 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ Introduction to variables: assigning values. Let's say that we want
to keep in mind a certain value over the course of the program. This
value might be your "lucky number" for instance. Example:
MyLuckyNumber% = 26
QBasic will create or change the value of the variable MyLuckyNumber%
to the value 26. The % sign identifies the variable as an INTEGER.
Essentially this means that the variable can hold a NUMBER value from
about -32,000 to +32,000.
If we want to store a value such as someone's name, we have to use a
string variable. Such as:
MyName$ = "Jason"
Notice that the term "Jason" is in quotes. QBasic MUST have these
quotes so it knows you are putting text into a string variable.
--- Chapter 3 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ Now that we are into programming, we'll work with one of the most
basic aspects of a program: printing stuff for the user. By the word
printing, I am referring to showing text/data on the screen.
To print a message we'll use the PRINT word.
We can use this flexible command to show text, variables, and format
text according to a template (covered later).
To print out direct text, put what you want to "say" in quotes (""). PRINT "hello there!
welcome to my program!"
Remember our variables from earlier? Let's print them out!
MyLuckyNumber% = 26
PRINT MyLuckyNumber%
This code snippet will print 26 on the screen. Or if we wanted to
print out a string, we could use this:
MyName$ = "Jason"
What if we wanted to use a combination of the two? You might do this:
MyName$ = "Jason"
PRINT "Hello! My name is "; MyName$
That example will show "Hello! My name is Jason".
Moving on. --- Chapter 4 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ Letting the user put values into the program can be done with INPUT.
The following example will ask the user for a lucky number, store it
in the variable YourLuckyNumber%, and then show that number.
INPUT "Please enter your lucky number:
", YourLuckyNumber%
PRINT "You said that your lucky number was"; YourLuckyNumber%
The INPUT command, as you can seee, will take input from a user and
store it in the variable. The variable after the prompt asking for
the user to enter a lucky number is where the user's keyboard input
will be put.
--- Chapter 5 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ Now that we have progressed this far, let's backtrack a little and
introduce CLS and END real fast, as well as comments for the program.
CLS clears the screen. Later on you will see a couple other uses for
CLS. END tells the program to quit. Remarks can be made with an
apostrophe or the REM statement. For instance, if you wanted to leave
yourself a note on some code so you might understand it later, or
just to comment the program for other people to read, then can do
PRINT "Welcome to the game!"
' welcome the user
Everything after the ' is ignored by QBasic.
' is slightly more
flexible than REM, but you can use REM on the beginning of a line
to comment it. It does the exact same thing as '.
REM Welcome the user
PRINT "Welcome to the game!"
Here's a cummulative example of everything so far:
' this program gets a number from the user and then shows it
' on the screen
INPUT "Enter a lucky number:
", LuckyNumber%
PRINT "You said your lucky number was"; LuckyNumber%
--- Chapter 6 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ Basic program flow with IF statements is a fundamental part of
programming. This chapter will introduce you to IF statements and
go over how they work.
First off, earlier in the book we were doing a comparison of a
response to a variable to determin the flow of a program. But let's
make it simpler. What if we want to ask the user for input and if the
user enters the number 5, then it will do something "more".
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number%
IF Number% = 5 THEN PRINT "You entered the special number 5!"
As you can see, we prompt for a number. Then we do an IF statement
which literally reads "If the number is equal to 5, then do the
following command."
What if we wanted to do more than one thing due to the user input?
We can put all actions we want to perform between the IF statement
and the END IF. Like this:
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number%
IF Number% = 5 THEN
PRINT "You entered 5!"
PRINT "Here is another line!"
Cool eh? What if we want to do certain commands if the
number wasn't equal to 5? In other words, we'll have a default response:
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number%
IF Number% = 5 THEN
PRINT "You entered 5!"
PRINT "Here is another line!"
PRINT "You didn't enter 5!"
So if the user enters 5 we have a certain set of commands, or if
they enter something else, we have a "default" response. What about
testing multiple conditions? No problem!
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number%
IF Number% = 5 THEN
PRINT "You entered 5!"
PRINT "Here is another line!"
ELSEIF Number% = 4
PRINT "You entered 4!"
PRINT "You didn't enter a 5 or a 4!"
--- Chapter 7 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ There are a few more things we can still do with IF (multiple
conditions), but we'll move on to SELECT CASE for now. Essentially,
SELECT CASE is like a bunch of IF-THEN-ELSE statements, but it's
setup a little differently. Observer the preceding code converted to
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number%
PRINT "You entered 5!"
PRINT "Here is another line!"
PRINT "You entered 4!"
PRINT "You didn't enter a 5 or a 4!"
(We'll do some more SELECT CASE stuff later, along with the other IF
stuff such as less than/not equal/greater than).
--- Chapter 8 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ Moving right along aren't we? Now we'll start loops. Loops are very
good ways to do things. For instance, we want a number guessing game
to run until the user guesses the number right. We could do this with
straight IFs, but it could potentially be never-ending!
Let's say we want to "loop" and give the user 10 chances at getting
the number right.
FOR i% = 1 TO 10
INPUT "Enter your guess:
", Guess%
IF Guess% = 5 THEN
PRINT "You got it!"
PRINT "You didn't get it!"
This code loops 10 times (1 to 10), doing the same statements each
i% is a variable. If the user gets the number right (5) then
we'll tell them so, and end the program. Otherwise, the program
procedes to 10 guesses and if they don't get it, the program leaves
the FOR loop and the last PRINT statement is executed, telling the
user that they didn't get it.
Similarly, if we wanted to go thru the loop 10 times we could do
any of these:
FOR i% = 2 TO 11
FOR i% = 10 TO 100 STEP 10
FOR i% = 10 TO 1 STEP -1
The value after STEP tells FOR what to increment after each loop.
Obviously, the default value is 1. Note that the variable (
i%) can be
anything you want, I merely used a common counter variable. In nested
loops, it is common to use i%, j%, k% and so on, or whatever
descriptive variables you want to use.
Note also that the NEXT command can be blank or with a variable on
it. I have observed and communicated however, that if you put the
variable on, there is a slight speed gain (a good thing).
Last of all for the FOR statements, what if we wanted to exit the
FOR prematurely? We can use the EXIT FOR command. Look at this:
FOR i% = 1 TO 10
When i% = 5, the code will jump out of the loop. This is illustrated
by the following snippet:
FOR i% = 1 TO 5 PRINT "i% ="; i%
--- Chapter 9 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ------ FOR NEXT loops are great for finite processes (especially for arrays
which we'll get to later..), but there are also some other types of
loops available to QBasic, namely DO..LOOP, and WHILE
..WEND. I seem to recall reading some documents for Visual Basic and the
author really said that WHILE..WEND was totally pointless in contrast
to DO..
LOOP Although I still find uses for it, and it may be a bit
different, you can be sure of a couple things:
If it works for you, then by all means, go for it.
It's probably still in the BASIC language to keep
backwards compatibility.
But back on track, to sum up how these loops differ from FOR loops is
that they don't necessarily stop after a finite number of iterations.
You get to control the termination conditions (if any) yourself, like
a builtin IF statement, as well as controlling the counter yourself.
Let's take a quick look at an example:
i% = 0
i% = i% + 1
PRINT "i% ="; i%
LOOP UNTIL i% = 10
If you can tell, what we did was start out i% at 0 (would have
defaulted to 0, but it's good practice to at least initialize the
variable so that if it were somewhere else in the program, it
wouldn't possibly start out on some "residue" value). We entered the
DO loop with DO, and
for each iteration we add 1 to i%, print it out
and the loop condition is to "go UNTIL the variable i% is equal to
the number 10".
Note that the statement to check for the condition is at the end of
the loop, so that the code in the loop will occur at least once, as
opposed to if we did it this way, which also works:
i% = 0
DO UNTIL i% = 10
i% = i% + 1
PRINT "i% ="; i%
LOOP The DO loops don't NEED any break conditions. Using the EXIT DO
command to exit the loop, we can do this:
i% = 0
i% = i% + 1
PRINT "i% ="; i%
LOOP As for the WHILE loop, it's like a DO loop with the condition at the
top, as well as not being a UNTIL condition. We sorta have to use a
double negative here, so we'll tell it to loop WHILE i% is not equal
to 10. For instance:
i% = 0
WHILE i% <> 10
i% = i% + 1
PRINT "i% ="; i%
Easy stuff eh? Cool.
--- Chapter 10 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- Time to revisit the IF statement. This extra knowledge also comes in
handy for loops as well. So far all we really looked at was IF a
variable equals (=) something. But there are so many more ways to do
For example, what if we wanted to see if a variable is unequal to a
certain number?
Number% = 3
IF Number% <> 5 THEN
PRINT "Number is unequal to 5"
What if the number is less than something?
Age% = 10
IF Age% < 20 THEN
PRINT "You are a youngin'!"
Or greater than something:
Age% = 42
IF Age% > 20 THEN
PRINT "You are old! (
just kidding)"
Or less than/equal:
Age% = 15
IF Age% <= 21 THEN
PRINT "You cannot legally purchase beer in the
What about combinations of things, all in one IF statement? QBasic
gives us OR and AND for simple comparisons. In other words, we can
see perhaps if a number is less than 20 and greater than 10.
Number% = 15
IF Number% < 20 AND Number% > 10 THEN
PRINT "The number is between 10 and 20"
PRINT "The number is less than 10 or bigger than 20"
Alternately, we can check for the opposite:
Number% = 15
IF Number% < 10 OR Number% > 20 THEN
PRINT "The number is less than 10 or bigger than 20"
PRINT "The number is between 10 and 20"
Note that all these comparisons and such can also be used for the
condition on loops (not FOR conditions, as they don't have them).
--- Chapter 11 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- More fun with variables. Oh boy, party time. Let's explore CONST
and TYPE, with an introduction to using DIM.
CONST is a constant in the program, a variable that can't
have it's value changed. A very classic example of using
CONST is to store PI. If you use PI in your program for doing
calculations or something to that nature, you might put the
value or approximate value into a constant variable for quick
access and changing.
TYPE is a memory structure that the program can use to store
information in a hierarchal way. Each element can have
certain aspects to it, combinations of variables can be used.
To use CONST, just declare a normal variable to assign a value to:
CONST PI = 3.141
It is general programming practice to capitalize the name of the
constant variable. Probably the most used CONST would be for TRUE and
FALSE. To track "yes or no attributes" for your program, you could do
INPUT "Enter your age:
", Age%
IF Age% > 65 THEN
SeniorCitizen% = TRUE
As mentioned, these constants are very useful for tracking conditions
in the program that you want to track yourself.
Now for TYPE. Let's say we had an object that we were describing,
such as a person. Rather than make lots of variables like this:
We can group them into a TYPE:
TYPE PersonType
FirstName AS STRING * 16
FavoriteColour AS STRING * 16
Person AS PersonType
To fresh your memory, you'll notice that we declared the variable
type ourselves, because you don't use signs (%, $, etc) on the TYPE
variables. STRING * 16 means that we want to allocate space for a
maximum length of 16. It should be big enough for a first name.
The DIM statement says that we want to make a set of variables like
the set PersonType, in the name of Person. You see, PersonType was
merely a memory outline, or a template, of what to create.
To set the variables, we'll do this:
Person.FirstName = "George"
Person.Age = 24
Person.Weight = 160
Person.Height = 6
Person.FavoriteColour = "Orange"
Simple, right? Good. If you're feeling a little confused, just play
around with it on your own. Similarly, to print out these variables,
we might do this:
PRINT "First name is:
"; Person.FirstName
And so on.
--- Chapter 12 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- One of the most important aspects of programming, or at least, large
programs or complex programs, is that most of them use arrays to
perform tasks. What if we wanted to create a list of 9
names? You *could* do this:
Person1$ = "Albert"
Person2$ = "Benjamin"
Person3$ = "Carl"
Person4$ = "Dave"
Person5$ = "Earl"
Person6$ = "Francis"
Person7$ = "
Person8$ = "Harry"
Person9$ = "Ian"
But that seems a little tiresome, and not very efficient. And if we
wanted to print them all out, we'd have to PRINT Person1$, etc.
There has to be a better way to do this! And indeed, there is. What
if we make an array? Basically, we'll give all the variables the same
name, except we'll use numbers to refer to individual items. Check
this out:
DIM Person$(1 TO 9)
Person$(1) = "Albert"
Person%(9) = "Ian"
Now, if we wanted to print all of these out, what could we do to make
that easy? You guessed it, good 'ole FOR loop!
FOR i% = 1 TO 9
PRINT Person$(
This will go thru and print all nine names, in only three lines of
code, hoorah! Now, combining what we previously learned with this
new knowledge, we'll expand a little on the TYPEs. We'll make them
even more useful now.
TYPE PlayerType
Player(1 TO 2) AS PlayerType
Player(1).x = 10
Player(1).y = 20
Player(2).x = 30
Player(2).y = 40
This is especially useful for games where you have perhaps a couple
players and the same events happen to them, you can make an array
to cut down on the necessary code needed. I find that this is also
very useful in games for other things: bullets/missiles, enemy ships,
level setup, dialog list, and any time where you might have more than
one of something.
--- Chapter 13 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- So you want your program to do something useful, huh? Well, chances
are that you are going to want to use some math routines. Most of the
math that you do in your program will be used with variables, so keep
in mind that WHEREVER there is a number used in a program, it can be
replaced with a variable instead (more on this in a second). You
already understand assigning values:
Num% = 20
We store the value 20 into the variable called Num%. We can now use
the variable Num% to represent 20, if we wanted to do this:
AnotherNum% = Num% * 2
The value stored in AnotherNum% would be 40, because Num% = 20, and
we multiply (*) it by 2 to get 40.
Here's a breakdown of the basic math used:
Operation Sign
Addition +
Subtration -
Multiplication * Division /
To the X
power ^ X
QBasic will evaluate math on order of operations:
Parentheses (innermost first)
Multiplication/division (left to right)
Addition/subtraction (left to right)
Here are some samples of values that would be returned:
2 + 3 = 5
2 - 10 = -8
2 - -8 = 10
2 * 4 = 8
6 / 3 = 2
2 ^ 8 = 256
2 * (2 - 4) = -4
3 ^ (10 - 7) = 27 3 + (4 - 2) * 10 / ((3 ^ 3) / 9 + 2) = 10
--- Chapter 14 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- QBasic offers a limited arsenal of sound capabilities. For the good
stuff like .WAV, .MID, .VOC, .S3M and all that stuff, you'll find
yourself either using a library someone else wrote, or if you want to
do it yourself, it will take time, information, and skills. It might
not even be written in straight QBasic code if you choose to take the
latter route. What QBasic does offer, though, is some "annoying" PC
speaker sounds. Some computers now have internal speakers which
aren't present anymore these days, or as the case on one of my new
computers goes, the sounds are actually routed to the speakers.
First off, we have BEEP. To use BEEP, just type BEEP:
The internal PC speaker will make a beep noise (different on many
There is also a SOUND command, which takes the parameters for
frequency and duration. Most people I know seem to hate this type of
sound. So we'll keep this short and sweet. The duration parameter is
the number of clock-ticks to play for, and there are
18.2 in a second
so we'll make it an even number of 91 (5 seconds).
SOUND 400, 91
The frequency must be a number between about 37 and about 32,000.
Most speakers I've worked with you cannot hear above a certain
frequency (really high-pitched), but it can drive dogs crazy if you
get it just right.
Last, but not least, is the PLAY command. Nowadays, people don't seem
to use these sounds anymore, so I'll also keep this section brief as
well. You can find all the documentation you want in the QBasic help-
file, so knock yourself out. Use play with a string parameter, with
letters to denote notes (A-G), a + or - suffix for sharps or flats,
and less than/greater than symbols to move up octaves. Here's an
example that will play a scale:
--- Chapter 15 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- Back to strings. Strings as you learned
earlier, are "strings" of
Text data. Here are examples of strings:
Address$ = "78 Chestnut Grove"
City$ = "
FirstName$ = "George"
LuckyNumber$ = "26"
Notice that the data is all enclosed within double quotes (""). Also
notice that the last one, LuckyNumber$, is a number, however, it's
actually a string that happens to contain numbers. You cannot do
math operations on a string, so the following code would be NOT work:
LuckyNumber$ = "26"
OtherNumber% = 2
PRINT LuckyNumber$ * OtherNumber%
Okay, let's work a bit with strings. What if you have a string and
only want the first 5 letters? Well, use the LEFT$ to return a
specified amount of characters from the left side of a specified
string, such as this:
LongString$ = "There is a lot of text here."
PRINT LEFT$(LongString$, 5)
That snippet will print out "There" (without the quotes). You could
also have stored those 5 characters into another string variable, or
the original variable itself (thereby changing the string to just the
first 5 characters of itself). You can also replace the
5 in that
example with an integer.
You probably also might want the right side of the characters for
whatever reason. You can use RIGHT$ exactly like LEFT$.
LongString$ = "There is a lot of text here."
PRINT LEFT$(LongString$, 5)
This example will show "here." (
without the quotes). What if you want
some characters from some IN the string? We have the handy dandy MID$
command available to us. If we wanted to get the word "is" from that
string, we'd start on character seven, and read 2 characters, like in
the following example:
LongString$ = "There is a lot of text here."
PRINT MID$$(LongString$, 7, 2)
Moving on, there is a great routine called INSTR which tells you if
one string is in another string. What if we had a string
representing all the cards in a deck, and had a value from the user (a string) and
wanted to see if it was in the deck? Check this out:
INPUT "Enter your card (2-
10, A, J, Q, K):
", Card$
INSTR("2345678910AJQK", Card$) THEN PRINT "It's there!"
INSTR returned a true value if the search string was present in the
initial string. Notice that we had no "checking" on the IF statement
this is because it was a "true" statement. Look here:
IF 1 THEN PRINT "1 is true"
IF 0 THEN PRINT "0 is true"
If you run that snippet, you will see "1 is true" but you won't see
0 is true, because it isn't. Similarly, if you said this:
IF 2 THEN PRINT "2 is true"
It would show "2
is true", because 2 is true. That is to say, it is
non-zero, meaning that it isn't false.
Lastly for this section on strings, will the be LCASE$ and UCASE$
functions. These are really helpful for checking against responses
from the user. Imagine that you asked a person to type the word "yes"
in a prompt. Since string checking is case sensitive, they might
enter any combination of letters of uppercase and lowercase, thereby
making it tiresome to check like this:
INPUT "Type in yes to go on:
", Prompt$
IF Prompt$ = "yes" THEN (do code)
IF Prompt$ = "Yes" THEN (do code)
IF Prompt$ = "YES" THEN (do code)
IF Prompt$ = "yEs" THEN (do code)
IF Prompt$ = "yeS" THEN (do code)
IF Prompt$ = "YEs" THEN (do code)
IF Prompt$ = "YeS" THEN (do code)
And so forth. What if we did a check only against one type of the
input? We can see what a string looks like in all lowercase letters.
FirstName$ = "Dave"
PRINT FirstName$
PRINT LCASE$(FirstName$)
The name shows itself normally, and then in all lowercase. This can
make our lives much simpler, let's rewrite that previous example:
INPUT "Type in yes to go on:
", Prompt$
IF LCASE$(Prompt$) = "yes" THEN (do code)
Similarly, we could also choose from UCASE$ as well, for uppercases:
FirstName$ = "Dave"
PRINT FirstName$
PRINT UCASE$(FirstName$)
This snippet will show "Dave" and then "DAVE".
--- Chapter 16 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- QBasic can do many math operations beyond operations. It has several
keywords dedicated to returning values.
For the absolute value of a number, there is ABS. If you don't know,
the absolute value of a number is it's distance from 0, so therefore
the absolute value of 10 = 10, and -10 = 10.
INPUT "Enter your negative age:
", Age%
PRINT "You are";
ABS(Age%); "years old!"
Then we have SGN, or the sign of a number. If a number is negative,
it's sign is -1, if it's 0 the sign is 0, and if the number is
positive, then the sign is 1:
That snippet will print out the following sequence: -1, -1, 0, 1, .
Also, we have COS, SIN, TAN, and ATN. COS returns the cosine of an
angle in radians, SIN returns the sine, TAN returns the tangent, and
ATN returns the arctangent. If you are a math buff, then all this
stuff might be useful, but for the purposes of this chapter, now that
you know it, let's move on.
--- Chapter 17 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- Do it yourself: input from the keyboard. More often than not I have
someone emailing me asking me how to get user input, without having
to use INPUT (the downside of INPUT, for these reasons, being that it
must have all data followed by the user pressing <enter> to enter the
data and go on). QBasic supplies us with a fairly handly little
routine, INKEY$. INKEY$ returns keys from the keyboard buffer, as
they are being pushed. INKEY$ is most useful in a loop to continously
track input, as well as a SELECT CASE for deciding what to do, based
off of that input. An example should clear this up in a program
snippet where you press "q" or "Q" to exit.
CASE "Q", "q"
CASE "A", "a"
PRINT "You pressed A!"
LOOP This is probably all you need to know for now, but here are some
sidenotes: typically the INKEY$ loop may have a long set of actions
for a key, or whatever.
there may be some delays which could cause
you to lose the data of the keyboard buffer. For this reason, I
usually put the INKEY$ value into a variable called kbd$, but it can
be named anything, really. Then I SELECT CASE on the kbd$, and go
from there. Remembering how the LCASE$ command worked, we could have
just checked against one value on the SELECT CASE CASEs, like this:
kbd$ = INKEY$
CASE "q"
CASE "a"
PRINT "You pressed
A or a!"
LOOP See the next chapter for a little more info regarding using INKEY$.
--- Chapter 18 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- This small chapter will go over INKEY$ concerning one of the larger
questions I see asked, that of "how do I use the arrow keys?" Well,
the arrow keys can't be tracked quite like the other keys. You see,
an arrow keypress gives INKEY$ 2 bytes, not 1, like other letters
would. So we prefix it with a CHR$(0) and track as usual. To find
the code for the arrow key, you can go into the QBasic helpfile and
find the keyboard scancodes section. Then get the scancode for the
arrow key or other key, that you want. Let's say we are looking for
the upwards directional arrow key, the scancode is 72. This would
suffice in itself, but we can use that scancode to find the ASCII
code for 72, and that would be H (not lowercase h, it is uppercase).
Now we can tell if the up arrow has been pressed.
Another commonly sought key is the escape key, which happens to be
just plain old CHR$(27).
PRINT "Press escape to end..."
kbd$ = INKEY$
CASE CHR$(0) + "H"
PRINT "You pressed the up arrow!"
LOOP --- Chapter 19 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- By now you probably want to store stuff (information, data, whatever)
into separate files. This way you can save data and load it back in
at a later time. QBasic file handling is quite good if I do say so
myself. Available in your arsenal are many commands that deal with
opening, reading, writing, and closing files, as well as seeking
positions, and different types of files.
First we'll be talking about opening up files in simple text modes.
To open a file for output (to write information into it), we'll have
to use the OUTPUT method or the APPEND method. The OUTPUT method will
overwrite an existing file if it exists. APPEND will start adding
stuff to the end of an existing file, or create a file if it doesn't
exist. When we do open that file, we need to assign it a number that
we'll be using to refer to it. Since this is a simple demonstration,
we'll just assign it file handle #1. To open:
OPEN "test.txt" FOR APPEND AS #1
This will create test.txt if it doesn't exist, and if it does exist
it'll open it and put the current write position at the end of the
From here on we have a couple of ways to put data in the file. First
off we can have nice neat little "form fields" using the WRITE
command, or as I prefer, using the PRINT command. Note that this is a
different variation of the PRINT command, where we'll specify a file
number to "print" the text to.
PRINT #1, "This file now contains some text!"
If we are done with the file, then we will close it:
This is simple stuff, so far. Let's try making a simple "logbook"
program. We'll use the TIME$ and DATE$ functions to return the
current time and date to put in each entry:
OPEN "logbook.txt" FOR APPEND AS #1
LINE INPUT "Enter your thoughts for the day:
", Thoughts$
PRINT #1, Thoughts$
There are a couple things here that you might now be familiar with.
I used the LINE INPUT command instead of INPUT because LINE INPUT
will accept all the text entered, including commas (which would
normally confuse the INPUT command). Next we write the "thoughts" to
the end of the file logbook.txt, and then print a blank line, and
close the file. Note that CLOSE didn't have any parameters on it;
using CLOSE without any file specifications will close all open files
in QBasic).
See the next chapter for a quick logbook file-reading example.
--- Chapter 20 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- What if we want the program to retrieve all the lines in the
file, show them to the user (you), while letting the user press enter to
see each new entry. Not a problem. However, we will be implementing a
new command that will tell us when we have reached the end of the
file. You see, if you have a file open and try to take input past the
end, you get an error. As we all know, errors are bad. Here is the
OPEN "logbook.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
LINE INPUT #1, TimeDate$
LINE INPUT #1, Thoughts$
INPUT #1, Dummy$
PRINT TimeDate$
PRINT Thoughts$
INPUT "Press enter to go on.
", Dummy$
The loop condition to stop looping basically reads "continue looping
while we have NOT reached the end-of-file #1". Everything else should
be fairly straightforward
--- Chapter 21 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- The next step in working with files is to learn about the other main
type of files: binary. Binary files store information on a more raw
level, and might seem somewhat cryptic at times, but they definitely
have advantages for many tasks.
If you were to store a number in a normal text file, you would store
what the number looks like..
in other words, if the number is -2452
then that's what the file would see. However, this means that numbers
can range from 1 to 6 digits. But we all know that an integer takes
up 2 bytes, no matter how big it is (about -32,000 to +32,000). If we
were to store the byte representation of a number, then it'd make a
file a lot more linear and with a better compression. We can also
store strings, however, you won't get any "compression" there. In
fact, you'll need to know more about the string (as in storing an
integer with it), if it isn't fixed length. Let's take a look at how
we can store the numbers 1 thru
10 in a binary file.
OPEN "test.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
FOR i% = 1 TO 10
PUT #1 i%
If you don't see quite what is going on, don't worry. First we are
opening the file for binary mode. The other great thing about binary
files is that you can read and write to them in the same mode. Not
only that, you can set the position that you want to write at. Next
we made a FOR loop to go from 1 to 10, and we are using the PUT
method to store the variable in the file. Note that we left the space
between #1, and i% blank. The parameter that goes there is the byte
position to write to. However, by leaving it blank QBasic will put
it in the current position and then bump up the position however many
bytes is necessary (2 bytes because it was an integer). The following
code does the exact same thing as the preceding code:
OPEN "test.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
BytePos% = 1
FOR i% = 1 TO 10
PUT #1, BytePos%, i%
BytePos% = BytePos% + 2
Similarly, we could have used a simple fuzzy-logic algorithm to
determine where to write:
OPEN "test.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
FOR i% = 1 TO 10
PUT #1, i% * 2 - 1, i%
What if we wanted to get this information back out of the file? Try
OPEN "test.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
FOR i% = 1 TO 10
GET #1 FileValue%
PRINT "Value"; i%; "is"; FileValue%
We'll cover binary files more in detail later, but this should give
you the basic information necessary to work and experiment with the
--- Chapter 22 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- More great stuff with strings is coming up. Right now we'll focus on
pulling a number out of a string, and making a string out of the
contents of a number. QBasic provides us with some nifty little
commands to get this done: STR$ and VAL. Lastly, we'll also find the
length of a string with the LEN function.
Let's say we have the user enter a number and it was in a string
variable. Well, we might want to perform some calculations with this
variable, but as we both know, we can't do calculations on a string,
only numbers. By using VAL on a string, it'll return whatever number
that it finds, to us.
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number$
NumInt% =
PRINT "Your number times 2 is:
"; NumInt% * 2
Simple. Now on to making a string from a number. This should be self-
explanatory, so I'll show how it's done:
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number%
NumStr$ = STR$(
PRINT "The number is"; NumStr$
However, there may be spaces on either side of the number (this is
because all the numbers have a prefixing space on them to leave room
for a - sign). There is an easy way to take them off if you want.
We'll use the LTRIM$ and RTRIM$ commands which trim all the spaces
off the left or right side of a string variable, respectively.
INPUT "Enter a number:
", Number%
PRINT "The number is"; NumStr$
From the example above, you can see that the user enters a number
which is treated as an integer, then we make a string variable out of
it by storing in NumStr$ LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(Number%))). Basically
what this means is: "Store in NumStr$ the following expression: the
left trimmed value of the right trimmed value of the string value of
the number Number%".
What if you want to see how many letters are in FirstName$? Use LEN
to return the number of letters as an integer:
INPUT "Enter your name:
", FirstName$
PRINT "The length of that name is:
"; LEN(FirstName$)
Keep this knowledge in your back pocket, it comes in handy all the
time for many routines.
All this may seem confusing, but hey, this is programming after all.
--- Chapter 23 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- Intro to graphics. QBasic has a well-rounded arsenal of simple
commands to draw on the screen. Among these, the ability to go into
about 10 screen modes, draw primitives, and handle sprites. There are
a few main screenmodes that people use:
0 is textmode, which is "default"
7 is a 16 color mode that has built-in page-flipping
9 is 16 color mode with page-flipping, hi-res
12 is a hi-res mode with 16 colors
13 is 320x200 256 color mode. This is by far the best mode
available directly to QBasic for games (in my opinion) mainly
because by default you have access to 256 colors, and in
comparison to other screen modes, it is the least flickery
except when page-flipping in 7).
For the purposes of these graphics chapters, we'll be focusing
primarily on SCREEN 13, or 13h. To enter the graphics mode, we must
use the SCREEN statement followed by which mode to enter. The
following code will take us into 13h:
If we are done with our program and want to go back into text mode,
we can use this:
If you are planning to do more stuff in screen 0, then you will
likely need to change the text width (skewed from 13h), by doing the
following code:
WIDTH 80, 25
This command tells QBasic to setup the text of the screen to be 80
columns by 25 rows. In most screen modes you can change the size of
the text with this command. Be sure to check out the QBasic helpfile
for information on the screenmodes.
--- Chapter 24 -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- Drawing primitives. QBasic has a nice arsenal of command, with a few
bells and whistles, with which you can draw to the screen. Among
these are the LINE statement for lines, boxes, and filled boxes, PSET
for single pixels, CIRCLE for circles, ellipses, and arcs.
Note: before using ANY graphics commands, you must be in a graphics
mode. For all of these examples, first switch to SCREEN 13 before you
do any drawing.
For help on coordinates, see the
coordinates appendix.
To draw a line, we must supply the x and y coordinates of start and
end points of the line (or box), and tell the routine whether we want
to draw a line (default), box, or filled box. We also supply what
color we want the line/box to be.
The basic syntax of a LINE is this:
LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color
If we wanted to make a box, it'd be this:
LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color, B
And for a filled box, it'd be this:
LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color, BF
If you haven't assumed it already, (x1, y1) represents the x and y
coordinates of the top-left point of the line/box. Respectively, the
ordered pair (x2, y2) represents the coordinates of the lower-right
point of the line/box.
Let's say we wanted to make a simple little program to draw 256 lines
on the screen, in 256 colors.
Easy. Let's use a FOR loop, because it
will work out good that way:
FOR i% = 0 TO 255
LINE (i%, 0)-(i%, 199), i%
This code, as you can see, will draw 256 lines in 256 colors, on the
screen, in order. The LINE command also has an optional style
attribute. I suggest that for anymore information on any of the
graphics commands, that you check out the QBasic helpfile to the last
word on whatever it is you want to use.
PSET example: PSET (100, 100)
CIRCLE example: CIRCLE (100, 100), 50, 2
APPENDIX --- Tricks of the trade -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ---------- This section will show some common examples or tidbits of code that
I have seen used
extensively, or just code I think is interesting.
A. Center text on screen
Many people wish to center text on the text screen, so they space
it over manually with the PRINT routine. This can get tiresome.
Why not make a sub to space it over for you, on the row that you
SUB CenterText (Row%, Text$)
LOCATE Row%, 40 -
LEN(Text$) / 2
--- Variables defined -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------------ Variables store information for quick access. Variables in QBasic, as
with many other languages, are different depending on what you want
them to contain. Among the numeric variables
are the common integer,
the long integer, and single and double precision variables. To store
string (letters) information, we use the string.
All variables store their information as a sequence of bits. How many
bits that a certain type of variable uses will determine how large of
a number it can hold.
A bit is the most rudimentary piece of data: it is yes/no, true/
false, 0/1, on/off. Eight bits make up one byte. If an integer is 2
bytes, then that means it has 16 bits. Therefore, you'd think that the
maximum value of the variable would be:
2 ^ 16 = 65,536
However, all of the variables in QBasic are signed. What this means
is that they can be positive or negative. In order to tell if a
number is negative or positive, we use it's last bit (the leftmost
bit, if you will), to mark negative or positive. By doing this, we
have to sacrifice some of the upward range, so the integer actually
has a range of:
-32,768 to 32,767
Similarly, there are data types in QBasic called a long integer. The
long integer (denoted by the & sign) is 4 bytes. And therefore can
hold a range of values of 2 ^ (4 * 8) = 4,294,967,296. But if you'll
recall, we share this space among negative and positive so that we
have a real range of:
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
One might think that we should just always use the long integer.
Wrong. Long ints have more data, and therefore take more time to
calculate with. Moreover, they take up twice as much memory to store!
That's about all you need to think about variables for now, so I'll
end this section with this brief and succint paragraph.
--- Coordinates -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------- ----- ---- Most of QBasic's graphics commands use coordinates to tell about an
area of where to draw to. Every point on the screen has an x location
and a y location. The x location is how many pixels from the left
that a pixel appears. The y location is how many pixels from the top
of the screen) that a pixel appears.
In plain English, a pixel is smallest representable thing on a
display: a single dot. If we are in 13h, then the screen resolution
is 320x200 pixels. The coordinates of the first pixel are (0, 0), and
the coordinates of the last pixel are (319, 199).
In an ordered pair of coordinates, the x position always comes first: (
x, y)
This information should be sufficient to familiarize you with the
basic workings of the screen.
--- Common algorithms -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------------ Distance algorithm between 2 points of (x1, y2)-(x2, y2):
Distance =
SQRT((x2-x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2)
--- Glossary/buzzwords -------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----------- ASM Assembly, such as assembly language, the lowest and
most primitive (therefore powerful) computer language
C Popular computer language, generally "stronger" than
QB Shorthand for QBasic or QuickBASIC
BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
PDS Professional Development System
VBDOS Visual Basic for DOS (Visual Basic 1.0)
DOS Disk Operating System (DOS is typically
interchangeable with MS-DOS)