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Documents linked with the financial side of a businnes relationship. They are:
Credit note: is sent to the customer when, through an error in the invoice, he has paid more than he actually owed.
Debit note: is sent to the customer when, owing to a clerical 313i87d error, he has paid less than he actually owed.
Statement of Account: this is a report sent periodically to regular customers to show him what goods he has received and what payments he still has to effect. The statement of account is often used as a polite reminder that some payments are overdue.
Receipt: this is a document by which the supplier acknowledges that he has received a stated sum of money that was due to him.
Ex Works + named place (EXW)
The price covers the cost of the goods only. The importer pays all expenses (transport, insurance, customs duties) and risk connected with the delivery of his goods.
Free Carrier + named place (FCA)
The price covers the cost of the goods and their delivery to the carrier's premises.
Free Alongside Ship + named port of departure (FAS)
The price covers the cost of the goods and transport of the consignment to the port of departure.
Free On Board + named port of departure (FOB)
The price covers the cost of the goods, transport of the consignment to the port of departure and loading onto the ship.
Cost & Freight + named port of destination (CFR)
The price covers the cost of the goods and their transport to the port of destination.
Cost, Insurance &Freight + named port of destination (CIF)
The price covers the cost of the goods, their transport to the port of destination and the insurance.
Carriage Paid To. + named place of destination (CPT)
The price covers the cost of the goods and their transport to the named place.
Carriage and Insurance Paid to. + named place of destination (CIP)
The price covers the cost of the godds, the insurance expenses and transport to the named place.
Delivered At Frontier. + named place (DAF)
The price covers the cost of the gooods and transport up to the named place.
Delivered Duty paid + named place of destination (DDP)
The price covers the costs of the goods, transport to the named place of destination and customs duties.
Delivered Duty Unpaid + named place of destination (DDU)
The price covers the costs of the goods and transport to the named place of destination.
We send a circular in order to inform customers or anyone interested about an event connected with the life of the concern, such as the change or enlargementof premises, the opening of showrooms, the appointment of an agent.
Unsolicited offers are sent to customers or anyone interested to inform them about a new line or product that as been or is going to be put on the market, or a special discount or quotation that the supplier wishes to offer for some particular reason.
The unsolicited offer is a form of publicity and style used follows the same techniques as advertising.
When a new product is launched by unsolicited offers you will not give precise sale terms, prices or discount; these details will be stated later if the customer show his interest.
ORDERS (plan of the letter):
Mention previous contact
Draw up the order
Mention your requirements as to quality, delivery, packing, transport, insurance, payment and give references
Request confirmation of order or refere to future business
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