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CIME TEMPESTOSE - Wuthering Heights di Emily Brontė



TITLE Wuthering Heights

AUTHOR  Emily Brontė



GENRE  fiction


time  1800s

place    England


The main characters of this novel are Heathcliff, the protagonist, and Caterina, the women now alive on the earth, now in a fearful ghost's breath. Heathcliff and Caterina are the same person.

The secondary characters are lots. There is Nelly Dean, household of Thrushcross Grage; Mr Lockwood, who went at Thrushcross Grage for a time of rest and solitude. There are Caterina "JUNIOR", Caterina's daughter, who now is Mrs Heathcliff, widow of Heathcliff'son; and Giuseppe, household of Wuthering Heights. There is Hareton Earnshaw, Heathcliff's nephew. And many others.


The book tells about the events of Heathcliff and Caterina's life. It's expressed by a narration.

Mr Lockwood, who went at Thrushcross Grage for a time of rest and solitude, went to Wuthering Heights, the place where the owner of Thrushcross Grage lived, to meet Heathcliff, the owner. There he was treated impolitely and, when he went home, Nelly told him the Heathcliff's story:

"Heathcliff was a gypsy. One day Mr Earnshaw, Caterina and Hindley's father, went home with a black and dirty baby: Heathcliff. Caterina liked him, but Hindley didn't. Hindley went away to study. When Mr Earnshaw died, he came back with his wife. They had a son Hareton, but her mother died during the birth. Hindley became a tyrant and wasn't kind with his half-brother. But Caterina and Heathcliff were inseparable. They dislikes the Lintons, especially Isabella and Edgardo Linton.

One day Heathcliff and Caterina were running in the moor, they arrived at Thrushcross Grage where Isabella and Edgardo lived. There Caterina was bitten by a dog and remained there until she was better. When she came back home she was very changed: her manners were more elegant and refined. She said that she loved Heathcliff but she couldn't marry him because it was a degradation for her.

Later Caterina got married with Edgardo Linton, but Heathcliff loved Caterina very much and he became crazy. In the meantime Isabella, Edgardo's sister, loved Heathcliff and then they got married. In that moment Caterina became crazy, too. But she was very weak and she became ill, mentally ill. Then Caterina had a baby, Caterina "JUNIOR", and she died. A short time later Isabella ran away and she gave birth to a baby: Linton. Twelve years later she died and her brother left in order to take Linton to his home. In that moment Caterina met Hareton Earnshaw, her cousin. When Edgardo went home, with Linton, Heathcliff sent Giuseppe to take at Wuthering Heights his son. Caterina went often there to meet Linton, because she liked her cousin. He liked her, too. But Hareton liked her, too. A short time later Edgardo became very ill and died. Caterina got married with Linton. But he was ill, too. And then he died."

Nelly concluded here and Mr Lockwood went his home. One year later he came back and he was surprised. Nelly was at Wuthering Heights. When he went there he found Caterina and Hareton very happy. Heathcliff died and the boy and the girl loved. Each other. They got married later.


When two persons love, it is impossible to divide them


I think the things which more stand out, in this book, are the woman writing's big artistic qualities. I've been surprised of her ability of telling events exceptionally cruel like things of every day, like occurrences which happen in all the families. Her cleverness of describing the people's interior hate and the bloody way in which it explodes and affects on the other people has stupefied and fascinated me.

By the title of the novel "Cime tempestose" I thought I would have read another type of narration. But, going on ever more with the history, I've understood. The description of the bad weather and of the roughness of the place that accompanies every occurrence told, is compared to the protagonists' storms.


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