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MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3) is a standard technology and format



MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3) is a standard technology and format for compression a sound sequence into a very small file (about one-twelfth the size of the original file) while preserving the original level of sound quality when it is played. 636i84g MP3 files (identified with the file name suffix of ".mp3") are available for downloading from a number of Web site. Many Windows 98 users will find that they have a player built into their operating system. Otherwise, you can download a player from one of several popular MP3 sites. MP3 files are usually download-and-play files rather than streaming sound files that you link-and-listen-to with RealPlayer and similar products (However, streaming MP3 is possible.) Winamp (PC), MacAmp (Mac), and mpeg123 (UNIX) are popular MP3 players, but there are many others. To create an MP3 file, you use a program called a ripper to get a selection from a CD onto your hard disk and another program called an encoder to convert the selection to an MP3 file. Most people, however, simply download MP3s from someone else and play them.


Napster is a controversial application that allows people to share music over the Internet without having to purchase their own copy on CD. After downloading Napster, a user can get access to music recorded in the MP3 format from other users who are online at the same time. You can simply type in the name of an artist or song, receive a list of what?s available, and then download the music from another user?s hard drive. Users need to continually check the Napster directory since the music that is available depends on who is online at the time.

Napster users can not only play the music back after downloading it but also put it on their own CD (if they have a CD writer). Napster also allows music to be played from their server and maintains chatting forums.

19-year-old Shawn Fanning created Napster in 1999, and it has quickly become popular on college campuses. Some schools have banned the application because of its high bandwidth demands. Napster faces another challenge from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), which has filed a lawsuit claiming copyright infringement. If the courts rule that applications like Napster amount to piracy, tough, new sentencing laws may discourage its use.

Napster has given rise to other Web-based applications for downloading MP3 files, such as Gnutella, Napigator, and Wrapster. In addition to Napster, Macintosh gurus can download Macster and Open Source adherents can use GNapster.


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