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Articoli inglese

Potere - Sapere + infinito (significa riuscire in qualcosa, essere capaci di, e si usa con i verbi di percezione)

Potere Sapere + infinito (significa riuscire in qualcosa, essere capaci di, e si usa con i verbi di percezione) Sai sciare? Can you ski? Vedi la casa laggiù? Can you see the house over there? Can       present
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1.Il mito di Faust - La composizione del poema

1.Il mito di Faust Goethe conobbe il Faust di Marlowe nel 1818 ed alcuni elementi sono riscontrabili nella sua opera in quanto egli ha spesso seguito le sue fonti nei minimi particolari .Così la storia degli antecedenti di questo mito è im
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The beginning of the Stuart Dynasty

The beginning of the Stuart Dynasty When Elizabeth died in 1603, James I, son of Mary o Scotland, became the first Stuart king of England. He was learned and he wrote treatises in English and in Latin. He based his power on the “divine ri
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The Victorian Age - The Reform Bill of 1832

The Victorian Age The Reform Bill of 1832 gave the middle class the political power it needed to consolidate—and to hold—the economic position it had already achieved. Industry and commerce burgeoned. While the affluence of the middle class in
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Oliver Twist - Themes, Motifs & Symbols

Oliver Twist Plot Overview Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s England. His mother, whose name no one knows, is found on the street and dies just after Oliver’s birth. Oliver spends the first nine years of his life in a badly ru
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JAMES COOK James Cook was born on October 27, 1728, in Marton-in-Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. He was the son of a farmer of Scottish decent. As a young teenager, Cook was apprenticed to a seafaring family. In 1755, he joined Great Britain's
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Victorian Drama - Victorian period

Victorian Drama In the Victorian period were written few works but the ideas during to the twentieth century. Some writers of the twentieth century can be call Victorian dramatists.  The more popular  forms were the melodrama and the moral
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Travel Agencies (= RETAILER) - Tour Operators (= WHOLESALER)

Travel Agencies (= RETAILER) Travel agency is a link between the general public and a service. They are a link between Tour Operator and the customers. They can operate as intermediaries between customers and suppliers of services, they c
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The Norman conquest - The Plantagenets

The Norman conquest After the death of Edward the confessor, William, duke of Normandy, claimed the throne of England. Harold of Wessex then reaffirmed his own right to the throne, but in 1066, William attacked and defeated him, near Hastings.
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BEOWULF: RIASSUNTI Chapter 1 Danish kings were always known as brave men. The first was Shield Sheafson, who was succeeded by his son, Beow. When he died, his successor Halfdane had three sons: Heorogar, Hrothgar and Alga. The most pre
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Beckett – Waiting for Godot

Beckett – Waiting for Godot In this tragedy there are two tramps ( vagabondi ): Vladimir and Estragon, that are waiting for Godot ( could be an object in this story represent the death). While they are waiting, they talk with verbal games (
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No Logo

No Logo They’re the biggest companies of the world, they only buy something, they never sell; they only give back a “logo”, their name, their own brand applied on each stupid object that without it wouldn’t been sold. Buying shoes or
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Modernism - Great War of 1914-1918

Modernism In terms of the novel’s development, the Great War of 1914-1918  marks a fundamental break between the old world and the new. For many people the experience of the war, in which hundreds of the thousands had been killed, shattered
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E’ dolce ed onorabile

E’ dolce ed onorabile. Piegati in due, come i mendicanti anziani sotto i sacchi, con le ginocchia che si toccano, tossendo come le streghe, maledicevamo attraverso fango, Fino ai bagliori spaventosi, ci voltammo indietro E verso il nostro d
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Can e Could (POTERE) May e Might

 Can e Could  (POTERE) Can è usato ·       Per esprimere capacità/abilità  (nel senso di essere capace di fare qualcosa o sapere come fare qualcosa): He can swim but he can't play tennis. ·  
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John Milton (1608-1674) - Selected works

  John Milton (1608-1674)   One of the greatest poets of the English language, best-known for his epic poem PARADISE LOST (1667). Milton's powerful, rhetoric prose and the eloquence of his poetry had an
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Economy of Italy - Statistics, Public finances

Economy of Italy The Italian economy has changed dramatically since the end of World War II. From an agriculturally based economy, it has developed into an industrial country ranked as the world's fifth-largest economy in USD exchange-rate ter
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Relative clauses - Basic relative pronouns, Non-defining relative clauses

Relative clauses Basic relative pronouns The relative pronoun you use depends on the thing you're talking about. Generally speaking, the most basic ones are these: for people who/that for things
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JANE AUSTEN: Jane Austen was an English novelist whose books, set among the English middle and upper classes, are notable for their wit, social observation and insights into the lives of early 19th century women.   BIOGRAPHY:
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