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Articoli lingue

Summary of the play - "AN IDEAL HUSBAND" by Oscar Wilde

Summary of the play "AN IDEAL HUSBAND" by Oscar Wilde  "An ideal husband" is a play written by Oscar Wilde. The story is set in London, at the end of XIX century. The events start at a party at Sir Robert Chiltern's house. Robert Ch
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Death on the Nile

Death on the Nile The novel is set in Egypt, where a group of people meet on a cruise. Linnet Doyle is a rich American heiress who has just married Simon Doyle. They are on their honeymoon. Jacqueline De Bellfort, who was Linnet's
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Ode sopra un'urna greca

Ode sopra un'urna greca I Tu, sposa inviolata della quiete, Tu, figlia diletta del silenzio e del lento tempo, narratrice di storie silvestri ,che sai esprimere cosė, con le tue favole fiorite,pių dolcemente delle nostre rim
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