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Semiotica - Fonetica, Fonologia, Fonotassi

Semiotica à lo studio dei segni, delle loro caratteristiche e delle leggi che ne regolano funzioni e usi I primi studi sui segni sono stati portati avanti dai filosofi greci, come Platone e Aristotele, ma, solo dal II secolo a.C. si è inizi
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Boileau a consacré toute son activité à la littérature

BOILEAU      Boileau a consacré toute son activité à la littérature et il a lutté toute sa vie pour défendre l idéal de sa génération,l idéal classique. Son oeuvre comprend : les Satires, les Epîtres, le Lutrin et l art poétique.
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BLACK BOY This is about the story of a black boy. Is name is Richard Wright. So the main character is Richard Wright. He is an American story-tel1er and in this book he write about his life. This book is interesting but very difficult. I h
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BRITISH ENGLISH & AMERICAN ENGLISH ITALIANO Arrabbiato Autunno Avvocato Biscotto Cofano Bagagliaio Roulotte Farmacia Patatine (pacchetto) Pattumiera Credenza Spazzino Distributore benzi
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Black cat

Black cat The narrator is going to tell us about a series of mere household events which have terrified, have destroyed him. Tomorrow he dies and today he would unburthen his soul. Hereafter, some intellect many be found. Since he was a
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I SUONI DEL LINGUAGGIO Polmonare egressivo= polmoni-bronchi-trachea-glottide-laringe-cavità orale o nasale Diversi punti di articolazione a seconda degli organi coinvolti CONSONANTI OCCLUSIVO: I due articolatori si toccano e blocc
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THE LONG VICTORIAN AGE The long struggle with Napoleon postponed any social and political reform until 1832. La lunga lotta contro Napoleone rinvia alcune riforme sociali e politiche nel 1832. The first part of the nineteenth cen
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Datimezzo appuntoappunti analisi senza foto

Thematic route: Nature.

Thematic route: Nature. Key idea: Nature as a guide to moral sphere. Extract analysed: “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey on Revisiting the Banks of Wye During a Tour. July 13, 1798”. From the collection of poems Lyrical Bal
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HISTORICAL BACKGROUND When king William IV died, he was succeeded by his niece Victoria, who was only eighteen. In her reign she became the symbol of that era. When Victoria ascended the throne she found a country in difficult circumstan
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LA SVOLTA SEMIOTICA (Paolo Fabbri) Intro Da sempre gli uomini si interessano ai problemi del significato, ma è dalla pubblicazione nel 1897 del libro di Michel Bréal, Essai de sémantique, che si è affermata la necessità di uno studio lin
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LA RENAISSANCE Le XVIe siècle est le siècle de la renaissance, de la Réforme et des guerres de réligion, c’est une période de vie débordante, d’activité intense dans toutes les domaines qui conduit notre art, notre litterature et notre lang
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The cat and the moon

The cat and the moon There is a similitude between the cat and the moon because: -         Maybe the cat goes out at night as well as the moon is seen at night -     &nb
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The way up to heaven - Di Roald Dahl

Di Roald Dahl The story is about Mrs Foster and her pathological fear of missing a train, a plane, a boat or something else. She was terrified at idea of  being late on occasion like these. Such a thought would throw her into a stat
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Westminster Abbey & National Gallery

Westminster Abbey & National Gallery Westminster Abbey, the most famous church in Great Britain, enshrining many of the traditions of the British people. Located in London and officially known as the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter in W
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FAMIGLIE:        -    Indoeuropea -         Afro-asiatica (o camito-semitica): egiziano antico, arabo ed ebraico. (Nord Africa, Medio-Oriente, alcuni paesi Africa orientale) - &
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WILLIAM    SHAKESPEARE Nacque a Stratford-on-Avon,una cittadina a circa 130 km da Londra,nell’aprile del 1564. Si vuole che il giorno della sua nascita sia stato il 23 aprile,perché è il giorno di San Giorgio, patrono dell’ Inghilterra.Suo
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     Wien     œ Wien ist ein Großstadt, die viele Möglichkeiten anbietet, um Spaß zu haben. Untertags gibt es viele Geschäfte, wo man Shopping machen kann und nachts gibt es viele Theater und viele Lokale, wo man vorstellungen beewohnen
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Britain - How to travel

Britain How to travel: The cheapest way is by coach. Coach routes cover most of the country. Trains are faster and more comfortable but also more expensive. If you have an international student identity card, you can buy a Student Railcar
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Peirce nasce a Cambridge, il 10 settembre 1839

Peirce nasce a Cambridge, il 10 settembre 1839. La sua formazione è prevalentemente scientifica, infatti si laurea a pieni voti in chimica; tenne alcune lezioni di logica della scienza ma la sua carriera accademica non fu molto fortunata, a ca
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Verbo volere

Verbo volere I verbi difettivi che traduco il verbo volere sono: will and would. Es.:  I will go (voglio andare).   I would not accept (non volli accettare). Altri verbi che traducono il verbo volere sono to wish, to w
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